Is it safe to order seeds online?

Example: I'm thinking of using a website like goldenseed to buy seeds with my visa card. Is there anything I should be worried about, like banks/law enforcement tracing my purchase?

I'm new to this, so for anyone who purchases seeds online:
1. what should I worry about
2. what precautions should I take
3. Is it legal?
4. is it traceable/does it come back to me?

Is there anything else I should know? thanks a lot guys.


Rebel From The North
I would use attitude seeds or bcbuddepot to get seeds

Ordering seeds is aboub as safe as posting on this forum
You make the choice


Well-Known Member
serious answer = if it wasnt safe to buy seeds online how do most of us buy our seeds and still end up on here? also how come theres so many online seedbanks , also how many other threads ask the same thing??
Is it only me that reads the board for answers before i post questions ??


Active Member
Here's all I know/have heard (actual results may vary):
-I've ordered seeds from with my own credit card to my home address (probably the absolute riskiest method you can do)
-Attitude is probably the second most recommended site that I see people talk about, so they are probably reputable as well.
-I believe different states have different terms, but what I've heard happening to most people's seeds in the US is if the seeds do get caught in customs, they will leave an impersonal note in the person's mailbox stating that illegal items were attempted to be sent to them and they were seized, but it seemed like the addressee would just get warned that this had happened--no pigs involved. I'm sure if it happens more than once (which would just be stupid on your part), they would probably have a more involved follow-up.

Like someone posted above, it's probably just as risky posting in these forums. If you do order, I would suggest using a username here that is different from any other username you use in other places to keep yourself somewhat separated. Be weary of sharing personal information beyond just the state you live in, and basically just be smart about what kind of info you put out there.

Good luck, happy growing!


Well-Known Member
something else i just noticed ........... its as safe as registering on a cannabis growing forum with your real name and surname :P lol


Well-Known Member
I've ordered from several times with no issue (shipped to USA). U.S. Customs has much larger issues at play than someone ordering a couple pot seeds.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It's fairly safe if use precautions. First choose a good bank. I don't know anybody who has goldenseeds stuff, they might be good but I just don't know. Sanniesshop is easy to order and dn't worry about it. They cme fast and are affordable. Attitude has the most variety. It's usually best to wait and place your orders at te beginning of the month when they have their promotions since you pay the same amount anyways. I would recommend getting a international prepaid gift card that you can use as cash on their site and won't be tracked back to yor card or you. Another option is Hempdepot by money order. Usually people get a confiscation notice if customs finds them but it's recommended to not directly send seeds to your grow spot if you can.


Active Member
The only way cops can know if you have plants growing at any given moment is if they have an informant who knows about your grow. Otherwise it's a crapshoot, just because I ordered seeds and a light doesn't mean I'm going to have plants growing when the cops decide to kick in my door, and they know that. Wanna be safe? order your seeds and wait 3 months to plant them. Betcha nobody kicks your door in. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I use Nirvana and pay with my VISA. Never a problem and the last two orders I received in less than a week. I lover their AK-48 and White Widow.
I appreciate everyone's input.

I know you guys have been ordering safely, otherwise we wouldn't be on this forum. I was just curious to see what your methods were, and I've got a lot of info to help me. I think I'll use Attitude instead now. Thanks guys.
They wouldn't look at your credit card. If they had a tip off, they would, but if they have no reason to suspect you, someone tell me why the fuck they would look... and attitude put it down as 'attitude gifts'. I personally don't live in the USA, but i would seriously hope they have better things to do than bust someone for a couple of seeds... infact i know they do. They want to catch motherfuckers who grow 100s of them and sell to kids, not a guy whos buying 5 seeds. Worst case scenario = confiscation


Well-Known Member
i personnally dont like attitude or nirvana after past experiances but each to there own and alot of ppl rate them. i use herbies or pick n mix


Well-Known Member
One other thing. I ordered from UK ( I am in Cali) with my cc and the card co 'froze' my card after that. I had to explain to them that I had charged my card to a UK gas station and bike shop. That was the cover the seed company was using. I now use western union money orders.