Is it time to flush ?

This is my first grow. Its bagseed and im on week 2 of flowering. Just showed her sex. She is developing brown spots on the older leaves and they are wilting. I checked the forums and think I have mag deficiency.
I am growing in soil. I made the mistake of getting crappy soil with time released nutes already in it. I didnt add nutes until I began 12/12. I used half of the recommended dose of Jobes liquid fertilizer for flowering plants.
The plant is nice and I wold really like to try and save it. What should I do?
Should I flush? And if so how do I do it?
I am learning as I go. I know I have already made some mistakes but I would like to fix this problem and continue on.
Next time I will know to use good soil and nutes!
How do I save my plant?