is it to late to grow?


i have 2 little plants on the way, and the frost comes in in early/mid october. Will they still flower? they're about 6 inches now.


Mine are about the same size. Mine are indica dominant so im not to worried. If you have sativas i would start worrying a lil bit. Best of luck.


i had a bad experience with my indoor grow i will try again this winter to grow indoors (will do a little bit more homework), thats why i put them out. they are white widow, (are theses tough plants?)

Wheeler man

Active Member
You might not get to much come harvest,but they will grow ,and bud.Throw them in an over sized pot,and feed them.Give them a chance.They might not get to big,but you can finish them out,none the less.


ok cool guys, all i wanted to know was if they'd finish budding, i am aware they wont grow as big as plants that would of been out since may... so they will finish the budding process right?