Is more thc absorbed via edibles; or smoking?

I'm not an expert but I think the best answer is:
It depends on a lot of different variables. Off the top of my head these would probably apply:
Tolerance to edibles and smoking
How the edibles were made
How well was it decarbed
How well was the thc extracted from the plant matter
What Temps were the edibles baked at, if baked.

I'm sure there are a bunch more I'm missing.
Not sure of thc absortion, but edibles last a lot longer.. I dose my edibles at 1/2 gram per..
Most of my research on this has been around CBD not THC, so I'm not sure it applies... But with CBD smoking is faster and is effective for a shorter period of time. With CBD edibles, the gate keeper is the liver, it filters out a high percentage before it reaches the blood, while more will reach the blood when smoked. So in that sense, smoking 1gram vs eating 1gram, smoking should be more potent. That said, since CBD is often ingested for pain related issues, the longer duration of relief that accompanies edibles is often preferred.
Well, you can't get all of the THC/CBD/others from the weed as it's burning away in a joint, while fat in edibles can absorb as much as the amount of fat can absorb. Smoking gives you 15 to 20% of the total noids in the amount you have. Butter is 80% fat and MCT oil(what i use) is higher at 85% or whatever. So it can obviously absorb 4-5x more.
Well, you can't get all of the THC/CBD/others from the weed as it's burning away in a joint, while fat in edibles can absorb as much as the amount of fat can absorb. Smoking gives you 15 to 20% of the total noids in the amount you have. Butter is 80% fat and MCT oil(what i use) is higher at 85% or whatever. So it can obviously absorb 4-5x more.
I hear you, but I've read that the bodies absorption rate from eating is between 6 and 20%, which is the measured amount that makes it to the bloodstream. So while the oil itself will absorb the THC/CBD really well, during digestion the body (specifically the liver) will filter out 80-90% of it before it reaches the blood.

So it seems both methods are inefficient.
I hear you, but I've read that the bodies absorption rate from eating is between 6 and 20%, which is the measured amount that makes it to the bloodstream. So while the oil itself will absorb the THC/CBD really well, during digestion the body (specifically the liver) will filter out 80-90% of it before it reaches the blood.

So it seems both methods are inefficient.
I'm not ever going to be a scientist in real life, so i won't pretend here. Most weed even top shelf doesn't keep you high more than a few hours tops. Edibles can last well over 1/3 of a day and even be there after hours of sleep. Kinda hard to dismiss the fact that edibles last way longer than smoking and so therefore you must be getting more thc absorbed than smoking.
Most of my research has been around eating and smoking lol,,, eating it is a different thing ime, the stone is full bodied and long lasting.

Some butter on a spoon, crumble and dissolve 2-3g hash into it then stir it into a yogurt :eyesmoke:

It's not a everyday thing i couldn't go to work after a yogurt.
Yes I'd say so, the butter i mentioned is held in a spoon over a gas ring to dissolve the hash into a treacle/oily stuff.

I remember reading something about dairy products and thc/cbd binding with fat making the effect more intense or more something?
The reason I'm asking is to figure out, can for example 1 gram of weed made into edibles get more people high than if 1 gram was smoked?
Mode of administration, absorption and its corollary effects all need to be studied as well as many other things we simply don't know about cannabis. This is why cannabis needs to be removed from Schedule 1. University research needs to begin.
I hear you, but I've read that the bodies absorption rate from eating is between 6 and 20%, which is the measured amount that makes it to the bloodstream. So while the oil itself will absorb the THC/CBD really well, during digestion the body (specifically the liver) will filter out 80-90% of it before it reaches the blood.

So it seems both methods are inefficient.
You didn't highlight that excellent article you posted:

It's worth a read, and good find, thanks!
All I know is I can smoke and smoke and never get as wiped out as I have with edibles. That's one of the reasons I don't do edibles. I caught hell and am still hearing about the brownie I gave the lady a few years back. She had to call in sick for work the next day. I screwed up and made them way too strong.

I've been banned from making edibles since then but she recently gave me the all clear to make gummies. Apparently she enjoyed a couple her sister gave her that came from a shop. I've already made the infused oil. The molds and lecithin will arrive from Amazon tomorrow.

From my experience you get higher consuming rather than smoking that's why I prefer to smoke. I don't like to get too ripped. Once you eat something there's no turning back. With smoking it's so much easier to control how much you're getting with size and frequency of the hit you take.
All I know is I can smoke and smoke and never get as wiped out as I have with edibles. That's one of the reasons I don't do edibles. I caught hell and am still hearing about the brownie I gave the lady a few years back. She had to call in sick for work the next day. I screwed up and made them way too strong.

I've been banned from making edibles since then but she recently gave me the all clear to make gummies. Apparently she enjoyed a couple her sister gave her that came from a shop. I've already made the infused oil. The molds and lecithin will arrive from Amazon tomorrow.

From my experience you get higher consuming rather than smoking that's why I prefer to smoke. I don't like to get too ripped. Once you eat something there's no turning back. With smoking it's so much easier to control how much you're getting with size and frequency of the hit you take.
That seems to be a common enough response to edibles. I can't smoke, edibles are all I've got, so I've had to take the time to experiment and figure out what a mild dose is, and how much to take if I really want to be stoned. Within that learning curve I've made every mistake I can imagine, from too strong to decarb'ing too long and ruining batches.

Decarb'ing is an art form, especially when you get into CBD and CBG which require different temps and durations from each other and from THC. At this point I've got butter/brownies and tincture all worked out -- for myself. That said, I don't share, it's my meds and I'm not interested in being the source of another story about how edibles fucked someone up. Wow, I just reread that, and I've turned into a crotchety old man.... LOL, it was inevitable.