Is my fan too weak or is my carbon filter packed too tight?


Hi there, I recently built a stealth grow box and I've created an exhaust fan in the upper left corner of the box, pictured here:

2011-12-17 02.48.43.jpg

The fan is screwed onto that grate, the grate is full of active carbon and closed with a cap on the otherside which is also a similar grate.

However I don't feel much air pushing through the filter, I feel a little, but whenever I put my hand in front of the exhaust fan on the INSIDE, I feel more air blowing back which i'm guessing is because it can't push through?

On the outside of the box there is a bit of a breeze, but not too strong.

When I install the intake (bottom left of box) will that make it any stronger? This fan will also be at stem height with the plants to promote stem strength.

What should I do? Is this going to be ok?

The box space is 2 feet high, a foot and 10 inches wide and a foot and a half deep. The fan is rated with a 34 CFM. Here is a picture of the box (incomplete, still coming together, this will be for a stealth grow):

2011-12-17 02.59.09.jpg

Another thing, when the door is closed, on the side with the hinges, there is about a half milimeter gap between the door and the side of the box, will this be ok? I plan on growing two plants in here with alot of bending going on.

Also, this is going to be in a closet, under what will appear to be a pile of clothes behind a very large desk. However upon closer inspection, I have engineered a trap door under the desk that will let me pass through it and into a space which is basically a BIGGER box that will house this grow box and clothes and junk are thrown on top of it to make it look like my closet is a cluttered mess. It is ingeniously organized though :)

I have my own place, however I bring women and friends over from time to time, and I honestly am usually disgusted when I walk into a house and it smells like reefer. I'm a pothead, yes, but I hate the characteristics of your stereotypical pothead who doesn't care how much he smells like weed or how much his house smells like weed. Nothing personal to anyone here, I just want to be very discreet about this for anyone who comes over to my house.

This will be a soil grow. All tips for keeping smell out will be much appreciated. Thanks alot!

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
put the fans so it pulls the air through the filter rather then pushing it, i would not put anything on it as it is a fire hazard and will also retain more heat, i would grow 12/12 from clone in that space and not more then 4 max a screen would make for better yeilds