Is my grow looking OK?


Active Member
So I'v got 3 strains growing atm. 2 are small seedlings while one is still underground. I'm growing a Green-O-Matic, a Green Poision, and a Bubblegummer. The bubblegummer is the one under the soil currently. Now I'm planning on putting all of these outside, the only available areas near me are in a local park, which is about a mile big, and has a small section of dense forestry.

I'v started the seeds at home till they develop a bit, where I will then plant them outside. I just want a couple of opinions of what I'm doing wrong, what to improve etc. They are in John Innes No: 2 soil, and I'v given them 2 drops of baby bio (diluted in water ofc) so far.

Here are some pics of them:

^The G.O.M

^The G.P

Note: GOM was planted (with taproot) on the 5th of may, and the GP was planted on the 1st of may.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your soil may be a bit hot for those seedlings, I see some yellowing on the bottom leaves. May want to remix the soil you're using with something lighter like peat moss and perlite.

I'm not familiar with John Innes soil or what it's composed of..


Active Member
Yeah I thought that was due to the cots losing there nutrients to give to the other leaves. In the final soil, when I plant outdoors, I'll mix with perlite and such to give it more aeration an what not. Do these look okay for their age? I kinda think they are growing slow.


Well-Known Member
Could very well be.. From my experience, which is quite little, they are looking fine. As long as you're not starting to see the top leaves yellowing, should be alright.


Active Member
Also would like to mention that one of the leaves on the green o matic broke off (not the cot), but it seems to be growing fine. Will it take a lot of time to recover from this?