Is my light to close

Nice man

New Member
It's a 660 watt with a adjustable ballast and a big fan it's my first grow so I'm just learning but they are just over 3 weeks from a clone so far it's going good has a potent smell lol


Well-Known Member
your light seems fine! plenty of room, heres a good rule of thump: place your hand right about the plants, and count to a minute, If your hand gets hot its to close, and if it gets really hot the plant will tell you by droopy sagging fan leafs (due to heat the plant uses more water), 2 if bad enough burn and stunt her, but yours have not been affected like this at all, Keep it up and we will help you if you run into any problems that is what is go great about RIU, I make it a daily thing to help out at least 5 people on here, im not EXPERT but I can hold my own :) GOOD LUCK with her!!

Guido Sarduchi

Well-Known Member
buy a thermometer... get it as close as you can without the tops going over 83 degrees.... ever. if your hand is hot so is the plant... easy rule to remember