Is my NYC Disel Hermaphrodite?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys

Checking on my plants today and saw these small calyx looking baggies that look like pollen sacs but with pistols in them on my NYC Diesel Auto.

Are these pollen sacs?

The plant is at five weeks from seed and is just beginning to flower

Your input is much appreciate it. Thanks

IMG_2964.JPG IMG_2963.JPG IMG_2962.JPG


Active Member
Reason I ask is that feminised seeds are prone for going hermie etc....and need only a little stress to cause's down to the way they make them feminised, a side effect so to speak.the pics uv uploaded are inconclusive in my opinion.I found pollen sacks here n there on some feminised train wreck not loads but enough to set panic in.if u could sort a few more pictures I will have anot her look n try to help buddy


Well-Known Member
Think your golden but could use more pics of the nodes to be sure, they will look like little bananas coming out of the pistles