Is my plant a female or a male?


New Member
Also, my plant appears to be sick,anyone know what's wrong? It's under 24/0 lighting(1 CFL), and it doesn't have nutes(just ordered jacks classic duo), another thing is whenever I water it, the water sits on the top of the pot and doesn't drain though, any suggestions?



Well-Known Member
It's too early to tell sex, the growths next to the new side branches are called stipules. They are not preflowers.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2998711View attachment 2998712 See the hair(pistils) in the left pic...that's a female. The pic on the right shows pollen sacs...that is a male. There is another outcome which is called a hermaphrodite in which you will find both sex organs. If you don't do your homework you can easily mistaken a hermaphrodite for a female and end up with seeds which you won't be happy with. Study this thoroughly and search for as many female, male, and hermi pics as possible until there is no confusion. This is a very important detail you wouldn't want to overlook.


Well-Known Member
Try not wattering it so often.
You diddnt mention what soil you were
using and if you added anything like pearlite.

If all that is good try breaking the top inch of soil by hand and add a few drops of dawn dish soap to the water and it should find its way in.


Well-Known Member
I would also use a stake to hold the plant
and ditch the tape over the soil.
Try to get some air moving.

Whats your humidity?


Active Member
you need more light or the light a lot closer to the plant, that's why it has stretched so much
cfl should be 2" above the plant


Well-Known Member
Honestly bud if your question to the pics you posted is " Is this male or female?" you would do well to start learning about growing and how its done right. It takes not only practice growing, but learning by reading as well.