Is my plant a ruderalis?

Anthony Fox

here is a picture of my plant, and I was reading up on indica sativa and ruderalis and I am coming to think that mine is a ruderalis, but as it is my first grow I have no clue could someone help me out?


Well-Known Member
What makes you think it may be a ruderalis??? please tell us more about your grow...indoors? outdoors?if indoors, what type of lights? pot size? soil? are you using a timer? if so what is your day length? what nutes, if any? What we need is some info on just how you are growing this...then we can be of more of luck to ya.


Well-Known Member
What makes you think it may be a ruderalis??? please tell us more about your grow...indoors? outdoors?if indoors, what type of lights? pot size? soil? are you using a timer? if so what is your day length? what nutes, if any? What we need is some info on just how you are growing this...then we can be of more of luck to ya.
Also, where did you get your seed?


Active Member
After doing a two minute google search on "how to identify ruderalis cannabis plants," I can comfortably say that your plant is in fact NOT ruderalis.
If it were, it would essentially be an autoflower.