Is My Plant Done For? Pictures Inside!


Active Member
This literally happened 5 minutes ago..I was bending it and I accidentally snapped it. FUCKKKKKKK is it done for good?:cry:



Well-Known Member
no just brace it with a pencil and tape it back up(don't use duct tape, use like scotch tape) A.S.A.P.! Also if you have rooting hormone I think you can smear some in/around the broken area for quicker healing (not 100% sure).


Well-Known Member
Dude, I have had branches break clean of that I was able to reattach. Bends like that are nothing. Although, if not braced properly, like mentioned in the prior posts, the branch will produce less bud (I also tend to find it is not as strong thc wise). Long story short, you will be fine.

I am somewhat skeptical of using rooting gel though.....


Active Member
Don't use anything except some gardeners tape. Go to the store (home depot, or any similar) and get some tape designed specifically for this. If you cant get it, loosely wrap it in electrical tape with a splint on 2/3 will be fine if you let it heal itself.


Well-Known Member
Forgot where i read it (most likely jorge cervantes literature) but next time you are growing , try positioning a oscillating fan on the plants.

The plants will experience wind-like motions swaying back and fourth. This makes their stalks hella strong , making them less prone to stem snaps.

I use this method to create the "strongest of stalks"

hopes it helps in the future