Is my plant pollonated?


Well-Known Member
hello there i did this intentionally to get some seeds. i've been spraying my plant With GA3 to try and make it grow male flowers now all my calexes look like thisIMG_1417.JPG all the hairs have turned brown all around my plant are what I presume are opened male flowers IMG_1415.JPG IMG_1416.JPG so is it pollinated and how long till seeds are ready also do you still need to feed your plant while she is producing seeds thanks ?


Well-Known Member
Did you spray the entire plant, or do you also have female flowers on it? If you do, you should be OK and can just finish the plant as you normally would. If you've got just male flowers, you need to follow GroErr's advice. Yes, it still needs nutes if you are growing out female flowers.


Well-Known Member
that plants not made any pollen sacks yet

its just spaced out, ga3 does that then the plant starts getting fatter again

not sure if you will get male pollen sacks you`ll have to flower it and see

personally I harvest a plant and leave some of it then GA3 it after I know it flowers female and makes good bud

like 2 branches or so

just ga3 it till it starts to grow and then water with a little bit of ga3 and some veg feed

lighting cycle don`t really matter 12/12 or less would be faster I`m guessing

once the flowered plant starts to veg like crazy then I stick it outside and flower it as hard as I can

I`ve use a 30w cfl and done it in a cupboard with autos too as they can be tiny so are easy for that but I`d worry that`d make more dwaf plants

anyway no point ga3`ing a new plant when you can do that to one you`ve already flowered

just finish it a bit early so the lower bud is still kinda green and such

after you get it to re-veg cut off some of the bud or it can mold

but they don`t always make male sacks, but if they don`t then you can take cuttings off the plant as they will root and then veg like the mum did, takes 1 to 3 weeks for the clones to turn "normal" looking

Oh I just remembered that ga3 and light stress like running your lights 24/0 can help induce male flowers too but your plants may end up with a weakness to light stresses like they`ll hermi easy if you get light leaks and stuff


Well-Known Member
well it's an auto and yes it had female pistals I had small male flower which made me think it was herming on me but it could just be from the spraying and also she has stopped flowering that's why i posted this.