Is my plant ready for harvest? (autoflower wedding cake from ilgm) [high res zoomable images]


Well-Known Member
This is my autoflower wedding cake

i have done a bit of flushing with extra water,

but i clipped the yellow leaves off . i should have left them .

more than 80% of the hairs have turned orange



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thanks, ill try to go another 2 weeks

i think it looks amazing but ill trust you guys and keep waiting

this one grew very fast, compared to my others that do not have any orange hairs at all .
this photo from like a week ago i believe


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thanks, ill try to go another 2 weeks

i think it looks amazing but ill trust you guys and keep waiting

this one grew very fast, compared to my others that do not have any orange hairs at all .

What do you “ try to go 2 weeks ? “ …… let it finish however long it takes . Autos and photos are running the show right from germination - no use counting weeks or drawing an X on a calendar. Even autoflowers yield better , get mature and harden off better beyond what the breeder states.

Take their “ estimates “ as a guide only ……..

No shortcuts are going to outdue a properly harvested plant. Forget the “ amber vs cloudy bullshit “.
Look up harvest ready buds and compare . That plant needs more than 2 weeks.

Keep going , make the whole grow count. Pulling a plant too soon is easy …… harvesting “ late “ is hard.
Lol, I like how the dude tells you you're nuts for saying "two more weeks", that it needed "however long the plant needed." He then proceeds in the very next paragraph to tell you it needs "TWO MORE WEEKS" lol... You're pictures looked amazing, I recommend viewing some pictures of finished autoflowers from well known growers along with some research on harvesting in general, the benefits of cutting early and the benefits of cutting late even. Use your best judgement and common sense, and you'll be just fine brother, you could chop now that now and it'd be pure fire from the looks, although if it's not hurting, and you don't need a stash, won't hurt it to keep going with the others that are finishing, you'll then even be able to compare the results.

No two plants are alike, and as a grower, the only REAL way to learn isn't a forum or video, but actually failing. Every good grower has failed at every stage of growing cannabis, they were just smart enough to learn from what caused that fail, and don't let the same things happen more than once.

Like I said though, your pics look great, and tbh for auto's, I'd love to see anybody answering your question post better results. Bc it'd be tough for em to look better and healthier.

Happy trimming =)