IS my plant too small?? embryo leaves out on the 5th of jan

Hey guys,

its my first grow. I have planted a NL fem seed, which was put onto wet paper towel in a bowl, then that placed onto a heat mat on the 1st of jan. The seed germinated and i planted it into the pot on the 5th of jan. making this seedling just over 2 weeks old. After some heat issues ( getting to around 35 degrees celcius) and overwatering issues, i have gotten this seedling to a nice grow tent of around 25-30 degrees celcius, 60-70& humidity. i water it 50 mL water every 2-3 days, as required when the soil is dry, with every 2nd watering containing veg nutes. the seedling is under a 140W, 14000K white fluro lamp, with a distance of about 2 inches between the leaves and the lamp. It is at 18/6 light cycles.

i am just concerned that it is wayyyyy too small for a 2 week of plant, since i have seen other peoples plants at 2 weeks, and they are far larger than mine. i think that maybe the overwatering and overheating may have stunted its growth. Can you guys tell me if this girl is going to be okay, or i should just start over.

thx guys.


Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
The plant looks typical given the conditions you mentioned. I would consider upgrading your lighting. A single, 140w/14000k CFL will prove to be inadequate for vigorous growth. Both spectrum and light penetration are poor at best.


Well-Known Member
When you start a seedling in a pot that size it will take a little longer to get the top growth going as the roots spread out more. If your soil is a starter mix with no nutrients, it would be okay to give her a very low dose of nutes starting around 2 weeks after she came up. If your dirt is more of a regular blend, it will actually be detrimental to her roots to feed her so early and often. She has a look of being just a touch overwatered, see the gentle curve on her leaves? Those should be straighter so over watering is likely the reason. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
ah don worry bro, when she's done fucking around putting roots down and takes off you will remember this post. good luck

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
When using cfl bulbs go with actual wattage. I just tried two 40w daylight clf bulbs that claim 200w equivalent. That's just plain BS. I'm better off with two four foot tubes at 32-34w's for the extra $10. I would up your lighting to at least 160 actual watts at this stage.