Is my soil ok? fed a cup of water i now got a flood, lol.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I am wondering if my soil is too light. I got 1 bag to 1 bag of Fox farms ocean foest and light warrior. Then i added almost a whole bag of perlite and a few handfuls of dolomite lime.

I added a puck of rapid rooter with a seed in the middle. I water liberally to get it all mositened and wet and a ton of water came out the bottom, probably all of it.

Then i moved the bag and wow it all came out agian.

Is their any expereince you guys got with grow bags and ultra light soil.

advice, tricks, what did you use to collect al the water and is the soil too light?

obviously dont pick up the bags.hehe.


Well-Known Member
You do not want to retain water in container, the roots will search out the water and sip away, but if the roots get drowned in the water then root rot is next.
So I say it's fine, it's ok. There is still plenty of water in that soil.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
Hey I did get a little perlite floating to the surface when I watered. I was like whoa! Lol, other than that it is going great. In one day my wido cindy seed sprouted from the rr green as green,

I added leess than the manufacturer recomended and lol that was too much. Manufacturer lables are a little nutty. It seems standard practice to do a little less than whatever they say across the board for any priduct. that is funny.

will floating perlite be a problem anybody think? Should still be a bunch in there I suppose.