Is she dying


Active Member
LOL, I'm going to get the equiptment to messure ph, and see the soil run off is ok or not.


I was only feeding it 50-60%mix of 10 15 10
witch has Mn .05%. so I gave here a drink of 202020 about 35 hrs ago.

I'm waiting for the garden center to open get somthing with a more proper ballance of NPK for this baby clone can grow up and become a mother.

I'm growing her under some 4.1k & 6.5k
fluorescent just like the internet said woud work fine.

I'll give a little sprinkly of epson salt too


grow space

Well-Known Member
wtf man???why in the first place you thought that you girl is dieing???shes just fine-stop wasting peoples time man.


Active Member
too young just give water when totally dry,and dont get it too hot by light,if theres more room to add dirt under her do that to,and when total dry give distilled water and the nutes from the new organic soil on top will feed it awhile,I think it looks ok but be simple with solution.


Well-Known Member
Why are you giving her so much nutes and different ones at that. The plant looks fine now.


Active Member
I just worry too much, and that complicates things.

Maybe that's why I couldnt find and compare a match from all the other problems people have had.

grow space

Well-Known Member
maaan-chill and smoke a bowl-if MJ growing makes you nervous or makes you worrie a lot, then dont to it(do it still man)


Active Member
It's not that I'm nervous, more novice. Impulsive Inpatient too. I haven't killed the house plants yet and the tomatoes are growing strong.

my water supply did need a little ph,

I was just using town after the chlorine has burned off.

I'll stop feeding her for now, and start using the water I drink, reverse osmosis.


and in a couple months if it all works I'll post my experience and setup.