Is she gonna make it? (3rd Week of Flower)


Hey guys. This is my first grow. I have this one plant OG Kush under 350W CFLS. In 50/50 Coco Perlite mix. In a big room with a window open for vent. 17 days past since switch lights.

Lately i am having Spider Mite issues. I am sure i have mites. I saw them at least 6 times with bare eyes. And webbing mostly on lower branches. But a few little on tops too. Actually I found out that most of my seedlings are dead because of mites (when i tried my first grow months ago before this one nvm)

I treated her with cinnamon oil. It killed big ones but eggs still remained. So i bought parker neem oil, Mixed with water in 20L bucket. And i simply put my plant upside down, inside bucket, Soaked completely. (Yea realy)
It seemed i get rid of them but 1 day later they appeared again. Most of them come from outside because of the open window. But I cant make it close , temps would go over 90s.

I soak it before 12dark.

My Questions are
1. Would neem be a problem if i use it every other day?
2.There is two options i can buy from my growshop. One is CannaCure and the other is BioBizz leafcoat Would you recommend one of this? And how they are effective on spider mites?
3. i want to know. Could i make it to harvest if i treat her every other day with cinnamon and neem.
4. Any extra suggestions will be appreciated.

Every 2-3 days this much leaves are dead (1st Pic) New growth is looking really healthy and growing good but.I am scared for they might spread to upper leaves when all lower leaves dead. And plant would completely die.

