Is the Earth growing?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about posting this in the talk and toke section, but you guys are more astute.:mrgreen: Shhhhhhh:mrgreen:

Ok, I came across an interesting video and I would like to hear what your opinions on the subject are. YouTube - Conspiracy of Science - Earth is in fact growing

I believe it might be possible for the earth to grow because plants grow with just light, water, air and nutrients. If you have ever grown a plant from seed, you will realize that the plant becomes a LOT bigger than just the amount of nutrient matter that gets sucked in by the roots. As you might know(if you actually grow weed....*cough MM cough*:mrgreen:), you only need a very little bit of fertilizer to get a lot of plant material, respectively. The majority of the size comes mostly from water and air and your nutes are just like vitamins but the air and water are like the steak and potatoes(substance).

Anyways, I was wondering if the earths layers(you know the ones that a geologist can look at and determine what was going on at that period in time.) are like the rings/layers of a tree.

So, back when there were dinosaurs, the earths co2 content was like 10 times(don't quote me though) what it is today and has been decreased to the present day levels because it was turned into plant matter(and now its presently fossil fuels). So with the sun and the co2 being a catalyst, the dead plant material has raised the volume and diameter of the earth.

Just a thought... What do you guys think?



Edit-I do question where all the water came from... Let me to some more research, feel free to chime in :D
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Well-Known Member
it's possible since the earth's plates are constantly shifting. There is always seismic activity.


Well-Known Member
yea they say the earth grows from constant meteorits and particals hitting it and also the magma cooling coming to the surface and expanding while it hardens

my wang expands while it hardens too but the 2 things are unrelated


Well-Known Member
seems as if everything with a life force grows and grows. including all planets, stars, etc.
Feel free to explain your logic! I'm trying to hear other peoples logic as to why they would or wouldn't think this is possible.

I gave my opinions in my beginning statement, and I'm looking for other people too. There is no right or wrong answer, just opinions and logic.




Well-Known Member
There is a right and wrong answer. Either the Earth is growing or it isn't - can't be both.

My opinion is if the people who made the youtube video publish in a scientific journal you will get your answer either way. If the makers of the youtube video do not publish in a scientific journal they are either afraid of being proven wrong or hucksters and can safely be ignored.


Well-Known Member
There is a right and wrong answer. Either the Earth is growing or it isn't - can't be both.
Your right. The earth is either growing or it isn't. But I said there is "neither a right or wrong answer" to be more inviting for the purpose to debate. I do not have the faintest clue if the earth is growing myself, but I expressed my logical opinion on how it could...:confused: I just want to hear other peoples opinions and have fun with the subject- its a wild one if you ask me.

Whats your opinion on the subject email....(use your imagination:mrgreen:)


Well-Known Member
Your right. The earth is either growing or it isn't. But I said there is "neither a right or wrong answer" to be more inviting for the purpose to debate. I do not have the faintest clue if the earth is growing myself, but I expressed my logical opinion on how it could...:confused: I just want to hear other peoples opinions and have fun with the subject- its a wild one if you ask me.

Whats your opinion on the subject email....(use your imagination:mrgreen:)
OK - i will not look into it and just use my imagination (so this is pure conjecture)...

well first a one factoid - the Earth's circumference is expanding. The Earth is becoming shorter on the N/S axis and wider around the middle (but don't we all with age).

I think the expanding Earth theory got its start as a way of explaining how the continents could all fit together. But then along came plate tectonics which works must better as a theory.

Every bit of space debris that hits Earth (from larger meteors to the constant bombardment of space dust) will add to the Earth's mass. Which would mean the Earth would be increasing in mass.

and we know as stars deplete their inner fuel supplies they begin to expand (and then contract) so I suppose if Earth's inner core began heating up or cooling down, the Earth's crust would be expanding with earthquakes and such. But i am at a loss as to explain how the Earth could just start expanding - it is not made of gas but solid (or liquid) material.

So by this reasoning i would say the Earth could be gaining mass but not in any measurable way.



Well-Known Member
OK - i will not look into it and just use my imagination (so this is pure conjecture)...

well first a one factoid - the Earth's circumference is expanding. The Earth is becoming shorter on the N/S axis and wider around the middle (but don't we all with age).

I think the expanding Earth theory got its start as a way of explaining how the continents could all fit together. But then along came plate tectonics which works must better as a theory.

Every bit of space debris that hits Earth (from larger meteors to the constant bombardment of space dust) will add to the Earth's mass. Which would mean the Earth would be increasing in mass.

and we know as stars deplete their inner fuel supplies they begin to expand (and then contract) so I suppose if Earth's inner core began heating up or cooling down, the Earth's crust would be expanding with earthquakes and such. But i am at a loss as to explain how the Earth could just start expanding - it is not made of gas but solid (or liquid) material.

So by this reasoning i would say the Earth could be gaining mass but not in any measurable way.

Thanks for your opinion email:mrgreen:

"But then along came plate tectonics which works must better as a theory."

~LOL~ I thought plate tectonics was a science "fact"???:-?

Approximately how much space debris actually hits the earth on an annual basis?

Do you think the earth could be growing and the plate tectonic "theory" could also be a factor too? Right? It could be a little of both:?? HAHA

The reason why I speculate that it might be a little bit of growing and plate tectonics is because the inner core is liquid, and I don't think the addition of space material and the added dead plant material(as i proposed) would induce earth quakes and the such.

I think its fun to speculate things:mrgreen: HAHA Who knows whats really anything anymore... ~LOL~ HAHA


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Well-Known Member
Thanks for your opinion email:mrgreen:

"But then along came plate tectonics which works must better as a theory."

~LOL~ I thought plate tectonics was a science "fact"???:-?

Approximately how much space debris actually hits the earth on an annual basis?

Do you think the earth could be growing and the plate tectonic "theory" could also be a factor too? Right? I could be a little of both:?? HAHA

The reason why I speculate that it might be a little bit of growing and plate tectonics is because the inner core is liquid, and I don't think the addition of space material and the added dead plant material(as i proposed) would induce earth quakes and the such.

I think its fun to speculate things:mrgreen: HAHA Who knows whats really anything anymore... ~LOL~ HAHA


I try not to use the word "fact" when it comes to science discussion as it is too loaded. All natural laws are "just" theories - from natural selection (evolution) through gravity - they are "just" theories.

But theory doesn't mean guess or even educated guess. Science has to work within error margins/bars. Even a seemingly bullet-proof theory like gravity had to be revamped when Einstein and his famous E=mc2 came on the scene. Did that mean the theory of gravity needed to be thrown out and reworked? of course not - but it did mean it was incomplete and needed to be expanded.

So while we may be adding to the theory that plate tectonics is the cause of continental movement, I doubt we'll come up with something that means we have to throw the whole thing out.

I do not see the correlation between a liquid (molten) center and expansion. can you elaborate?

I can not even hazard a guess as to how much stuff from space hits the Earth. I can say most of it is burned up on entry into our atmosphere.

But ultimately, I would have to say no - the Earth is not expanding since there is no noticeable difference in size of the Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse from equal distances. So that would be direct observable evidence that anyone can see.

is this from another youtube video? It really is easy to discern real science from pseudo-science - real scientists publish their findings in journals that are reviewed by other scientists for errors and fabrications. It also enables scientists working on related items to corroborate or disagree with their findings.

Publishing a youtube video, making a film/website, or calling a press conference (before publishing) is a very, very, very, very , very strong indicator that you are being hoaxed.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not suggesting that the molten/liquid center has anything to do with the expansion. That would not make sense to me in any way, because what material is being added to the center to make it bigger? I might think that if the center of the earth were to warm up a little, it might add to the diameter of the earth because hotter things expand(especially metal, thats how a "analog"/conventional thermostat works anyways:mrgreen:)

I'm simply pondering if the earth is both growing(even at a VERY VERY slow rate) and the plate tectonic "theory" would complement each other....:confused:

I am not being "hoaxed" but rather keeping an open mind to different possibilities. Scientists are supposed to be skeptical and scrutinize things with an open mind and willing to learn. That is all. I do not have a steadfast opinion on the subject other than I don't know. I have to go with the plate tectonic "theory" because that is all I have heard about until the other day.

BTW, I'm lost with your reasoning about the lunar eclipse. I would think if the Earth was to "grow" than its gravitational field would increase and possibly pull the moon in closer(and thus the change in the eclipse) ...:confused:... Is that what you are talking about? HAHA

I do not see the correlation between a liquid (molten) center and expansion. can you elaborate?

I can not even hazard a guess as to how much stuff from space hits the Earth. I can say most of it is burned up on entry into our atmosphere.

But ultimately, I would have to say no - the Earth is not expanding since there is no noticeable difference in size of the Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse from equal distances. So that would be direct observable evidence that anyone can see.

is this from another youtube video? It really is easy to discern real science from pseudo-science - real scientists publish their findings in journals that are reviewed by other scientists for errors and fabrications. It also enables scientists working on related items to corroborate or disagree with their findings.

Publishing a youtube video, making a film/website, or calling a press conference (before publishing) is a very, very, very, very , very strong indicator that you are being hoaxed.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: youtube dosent lie :hump:
Hey Joe, which mouth would I put my kak in if wanted to get a blow job from your lady avatar? I got it, I would put my kak in her mouth closest to her nose so my I can get a tea bag(balls in mouth:mrgreen:) job from her mouth closest to her chin. :lol:

Anyways, you guys should learn to read! I'm asking for your opinions, I never said this was true or not. I thought the people in the political section might have something smart to say. Geeeezeee........:mrgreen:




Well-Known Member
Hey Joe, which mouth would I put my kak in if wanted to get a blow job from your lady avatar? I got it, I would put my kak in her mouth closest to her nose so my I can get a tea bag(balls in mouth:mrgreen:) job from her mouth closest to her chin. :lol:

Anyways, you guys should learn to read! I'm asking for your opinions, I never said this was true or not. I thought the people in the political section might have something smart to say. Geeeezeee........:mrgreen:


You have asked for my opinion - here it is ... youtube is not a plausible source of information. I will go further and say if a youtube video and the book it is trying to sell is the ONLY source of the information, I'll go out on a limb and go ahead and call it inaccurate at best.

And there you have it - it will be the same opinion for every youtube video.


Well-Known Member
Well according to wiki, most scientists currently dismiss the theory that the earth is expanding, however their still remain a few supporters of the idea...


Well-Known Member
You have asked for my opinion - here it is ... youtube is not a plausible source of information. I will go further and say if a youtube video and the book it is trying to sell is the ONLY source of the information, I'll go out on a limb and go ahead and call it inaccurate at best.

And there you have it - it will be the same opinion for every youtube video.
That hurt email...:cry:

So there is no room for debate because it came from a youtube video? What, does it have to come from "Popular Mechanics" in order for something to be pondered and debated?

BTW, I'm not offended. I just puzzled how you can dismiss something because it came from youtube. Yes some youtube vids are horse crap, but others are legit.

It seems like no one wants to be wrong on here... Whats so wrong about taking a wild guess at something, even though your guess might be silly? Whats the fun in life if you always have to be right about things?

This thread is not supposed to be science fact, but science speculation. If you were to go back 110 years and explain to your great grandfather what the future has in store, than he would truly be in disbelief. "Hey grandpa, in 110 years man will be able to fly from Boston to China in 10 hours(?). People from all over the world will be able to communicate through a computer at near instant speeds and send pics, sounds, words, etc. You can calculate the most complicated math formulas as fast as you can push the buttons. Etc etc."

I have an imagination, and I don't mind using it and being wrong. I'm human and I'm not a machine! You know what I'm saying?




Well-Known Member
That hurt email...:cry:

So there is no room for debate because it came from a youtube video? What, does it have to come from "Popular Mechanics" in order for something to be pondered and debated?

BTW, I'm not offended. I just puzzled how you can dismiss something because it came from youtube. Yes some youtube vids are horse crap, but others are legit.

It seems like no one wants to be wrong on here... Whats so wrong about taking a wild guess at something, even though your guess might be silly? Whats the fun in life if you always have to be right about things?

This thread is not supposed to be science fact, but science speculation. If you were to go back 110 years and explain to your great grandfather what the future has in store, than he would truly be in disbelief. "Hey grandpa, in 110 years man will be able to fly from Boston to China in 10 hours(?). People from all over the world will be able to communicate through a computer at near instant speeds and send pics, sounds, words, etc. You can calculate the most complicated math formulas as fast as you can push the buttons. Etc etc."

I have an imagination, and I don't mind using it and being wrong. I'm human and I'm not a machine! You know what I'm saying?


There's always room for debate. My point being if youtube is the only source (or if the person who made the video is the only source of information) it is a very poor source of evidence as opposed to other sources. Does that make youtube videos wrong? No - it just makes them unreliable as evidence.

Let's see who would i trust - popular mechanics read by millions of engineers and hobbyists around the world who would happily call bullshit on any article that contained inaccuracies or the place that gave us "umma numma" and "Chris Cocker"? If i need to convince you how terrible a source youtube is - i have not explained scientific method or evidence very well at all and I apologize.

Describing things commonplace today to someone who lived one hundred years ago would certainly bring disbelief. But NONE of the things discussed would be going against scientific principals.

That's like a hundred years from now if people are driving rocket cars and we have colonies on the moon and Mars it would be amazing - but does not go against current scientific principals - we just don't have the technology - the science is already there.

and make no mistake, the source of the information is nearly as important as the information itself. Or let me put it this way, what makes the youtube 9/11 videos more convincing to you than the governments version?

The source, right?

you don't trust our government which makes your confirmation bias kick in when you watch those youtube videos. Well my confirmation bias is against youtube and i give far more weight to established scientific theories and publications. Even when you are scientifically speculating you still can't break nature's laws while doing so - otherwise you are no longer speculating you are making engaging in fantasy - which is fine but call it what it is. We can speculate about shooting fireballs out our asses for as long as we like - but it ain't never going to happen.

So speculation is fine - but without evidence - science has very little to do with it. You say this is not about scientific fact but scientific speculation - well scientific speculation still has to obey the laws of nature.

My advice is to leave science out of these discussions if it is bringing you down.