Is The Purpose Of Life . . .

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Good or Bad?
Don't you have an opinion on the subject, or do you only ask one liners?

Your purpose in life is a matter of choice.

If your purpose in life is to serve God, love your neighbor, and overcoming sin and death, then it's good.

But if your purpose in life is to serve your own sinful desires, then death is your only reward.

Why do you suppose most of us only use 20% of our grey matter? Aren't most of us limiting our intellectual potential, by denying our own spirituality? I think so :bigjoint:


Active Member
yes it is ........

life has no purpose, it just is.

also you might should have phrased it, "is the purpose of man good or evil"
its still not an applicable question, but i think its closer to what your seeking.

life itself can be niether good nor evil.

and any such attributes assigned to "life" only reflect the highly subjective perceptions of man.

man also is niether good nor evil, or if he is its only perceptually, like cancer, cancer isnt evil to a squirrel, its not evil evil to a human, it just is, but can be percieved as evil from an external point of view. ie from the viewpoint of the self aware life form subjected to it.

and the real question isn't weather the purpose of man is good or evil. which is an improper question from the outset, because of the nature of the word purpose, which implies not only creationism (because something cant have a purpose without being intentionally created for a given task.)

the grammatically correct (and less loaded) version of that question would be.

"what is the nature of life" which is again way too open ended.

or if it was about humanity sp[acificly

"what is the nature of man"

and heres my take.

the nature of man is neither good nor evil.
the nature of man is "lazy"
and everything ever accomplished by man for good or evil.
stems from this built in laziness.
but this "laziness" must be qualified into categories.
1.intellectual laziness
2.emotional laziness
3.spiritual laziness
4.physical laziness
keeping in mind any one of these classifications may be overided by any one, or all of the others.
depending on the makeup of the individual.

well thats the short answer


Well-Known Member
Green Cross said:
Your purpose in life is a matter of choice

Green Cross said:
If your purpose in life is to serve God, love your neighbor, and overcoming sin and death, then it's good.

But if your purpose in life is to serve your own sinful desires, then death is your only reward.
Rubbish. Belief in a deity is not the only way to live a rewarding, productive and fulfilling life, or even the best way, in my opinion. Added to this, i think the entire concept of "sin" is nothing more than a behavioral control technique. It is quite possible to fulfil your own desires without doing harm to others, just as it is possible to love your neighbour without being religious.

As for death being the only reward for us godless heathens, you are WAY off base here. I have already had many rewards in this life, and as such I have no need to delude myself that i will have eternal life. We have to die as individuals so we can advance as a species. As long as I know I have done positive things in my life, and helped humanity to advance in some small way, I have completely come to terms with the concept of my eventual death (although I obviously want to avoid it for as long as possible lol)

Green Cross said:
Why do you suppose most of us only use 20% of our grey matter? Aren't most of us limiting our intellectual potential, by denying our own spirituality? I think so :bigjoint:
I suggest you check whether the "facts" you propogate are actually true, before making assumptions based on them (link). Even if it were true, the (non-existent) unused percentage of the brain would be better served being used to maximise our intellectual potential, which to me is the opposite of spirituality. Spirituality requires little to no intelligence, analytical thought processes or critical thinking skills.


Well-Known Member
Good or bad changes from person to person. Whats good for the goose may not necessarily be good for the gander. Don't think it has anything to do with the purpose of life, purpose of life is to pass on your genes.


Well-Known Member
to be go0d as the best of them.,.,and bad as the worst.,.,



Well-Known Member
As is evident upon close examination, it remains a mystery why, even as this relates to necessity, the thing in itself would be falsified, but metaphysics is just as necessary as our concepts.


Well-Known Member
*Rooollls eyes* And we can be sure that cogitationes, if we maintain this attitude, are precisely what make critical decisions about the phenomenological Ego at all possible. Seriously guys, get with the game.


New Member
"As is evident upon close examination, it remains a mystery why, even as this relates to necessity, the thing in itself would be falsified, but metaphysics is just as necessary as our concepts."


Metaphysics remains a marvelous Mystical Mystery.

Did We translate correctly?


Active Member
Good/evil...way too open to interpretation, but I think unless warped by something in their environment/upbringing...people are basically good.

If we could all live by the golden rule "do onto others" earth would be a great place to be...but since the alternative isn't a good one, I will just have to take it as it is...and do the best I can to be a "good" person in my eyes.

I think I have lived my heaven and hell here already and I am not in a hurry to see if there is someplace else besides earth....logic whispers in my ear that there isn't.