Is the weed you get from dealers safe?


Well-Known Member

I recently told my dad I smoked mary j for my depression and anxiety and he said I was an idiot because the stuff you get from the streets are mixed with a whole bunch of shit and aren't safe. He said only true organic weed is safe and would rather me smoke that. Is this true? I live in Southern California LA so there are alot of dealers out here. My friends dealer who I get my stuff from claims he has a cannabis card and he gets it from the cannabis clubs down here. Any thoughts? Also I usually get Purple Kush weed which is like 25 bucks a gram. Pretty strong stuff.


Well-Known Member
i think its safe homie but i heard that in amsterdam they put a sandy substance in the bud to make it weigh more and its very harmful...never seen it or heard of it here tho


Well-Known Member
IT's safe 99% of the time. Dealers are about the money. Why would they lace the weed with other more expensive drugs. When they could sell them seperately and make more money. It would be bad for business and a waste of money. But, with that being said there's always the random douchebags.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I think his dad was referring to what chemicals the growers us. We all know there are some nutes which work really well but are not good for people who smoke the end product.

Look at the current issue of HT. Those gigantic grows going on in Mexico. You think they grow for the crop or the organic? IMHO


Well-Known Member
would all the fertilizers they put on the plants and shit to make it grow faster be harmful to you if you smoke it?


Well-Known Member
so the fuck what...

i mean really...what ISNT safe for us in this world?

i mean really....cry me a river!!!!!!!

too much of anything can kill you, let alone be semi hardful


Well-Known Member
Dude I feel sorry for you: not that your worried about people lacing your weed, it has happened -maybe- but I would have to agree with whoever said that no dealer would waste the money on lacing weed with shit they can just sell for more money. i feel bad for you cause I just bought some purple kush at $10 a Gr


Well-Known Member
my neighbor's a biker so its some good shit,plus i grow my own as well. We have what we call china bud. Its mass produced in suburban homes by Asian gangs and never flushed or cured. basically it smells like dirty chemicals but desperate people or and those who don't know any better still smoke it


New Member
Even more reason to grow your own.
Its cheaper and you know what's in it and what not.
Good question!
I think his dad was referring to what chemicals the growers us. We all know there are some nutes which work really well but are not good for people who smoke the end product.

Look at the current issue of HT. Those gigantic grows going on in Mexico. You think they grow for the crop or the organic? IMHO
Dewd grow your own then you know its good for you. If your dad says its unsafe maybe he will help you grow some, give you a small space to grow in at his house. I know I would for my kid that way I know he wouldn't be coming to harm.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am growing 1 chronic bagseed I got and its like 2 months old. Check my grow journal out. I'm growing with LED's and Floro's. I had originally 4 plants but my dad found out about my grow so he took out the other 3 and said I can grow 1 plant only. My dad doesn't really want me smoking it lol. He says that weed after a while you get immune to the high and you want stronger and stronger stuff and you become a drug addict for harder shit. I told him that was a lie and it was just a theory that some knuckelhead came out with to discriminate marijuana. My dad grew up in the 70's-80's and he smoked weed back then and said he just doesn't want me doing it. I use weed for medical purposes for my anxiety/depression that I've had for over 10 years. I finally found the cure. I tried anti-depressents and I'm still on them Prozac to be exact. I don't want to be taking that shit because it fucks with your head after a while and I've been taking it for about 2 years and he doesn't want me to use that shit either. Any ideas on how I can convince him to smoke it in my house medically?


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem lol i have anxiety too i take Celexa...thats the only way i convinced my dad to let me smoke...and serio its a real good medicine!!


Well-Known Member
IT's safe 99% of the time. Dealers are about the money. Why would they lace the weed with other more expensive drugs. When they could sell them seperately and make more money. It would be bad for business and a waste of money. But, with that being said there's always the random douchebags.
Yeah very true, if it was laced likw some primo u would be payin alot more for a gram than $25, and if it was really laced believe me u would taste and smell it.:joint:


Well-Known Member
i remember watching fox news and they were saying that dealers put rat poison in there weed. I know its absolute bullshit, but it doesn't help with them spreading lies like that on the news. i mean why would you put rat poison in you budd?? but i guess thats what i should expect from fox news...