Is there a little red Ovule inside female calyx's?


Active Member
Wondering, because I am not sure .... i didn't think there was....

But now I 'm starting to wonder is there a little red ovule inside calyx's? waiting to be fertilized?

Basically asking if you cut a calyx open is there anything inside of it when its not pollinated, even a tiny spec?
I've got small redish color inside my calyxes. I don't think my are seeded, but I'm curios too - is that seeds about to form, or normal?


Active Member
i HAVE THE SAME redish part inside my calyx's... But I don't think it is a seed either .... I think it is just part of the weed... Good to know anyways... Didn't have to smoke half my plant per-maturely...


has anyone ecountered little green specks? are these unfertilized ovules? or does green indicate baby seed? i have seen them enlarge to become seed. But also wondering if this is just a part of the anatomy.


Active Member
I really do think it is part of the anatomy I just smoked a fat joint and it didn't pop at all.. Hasn't popped yet.. But has little brown specs I can see... But I've noticed all weed has that... So yeah, It's normal.

Turns out I don't think my plants were hermies.. I just thought they were. Well the first one might have been pollinated... But this one is not... No seeds developing they are all tiny specs.

These brown specs are another reason I want a vaporizer... But don't have the money for one right now.


New Member
d00d in cannabiz da flower iz called calyx and yes der iz da ovulz inside red i dunno


Active Member
has anyone ecountered little green specks? are these unfertilized ovules? or does green indicate baby seed? i have seen them enlarge to become seed. But also wondering if this is just a part of the anatomy.
i checked mine a few days ago and ive got tiny green specks in mine, i hope i didnt get pollinated :(