Is there a set amount of airstones?

I'm running one dwc bucket with dutch passion euforia clone in a 6" net bucket with 2 six" air stones in the bucket. I was wondering would if I put 8 air stones in one bucket would I have a better end result? Or do you think it would just be overkill?


Active Member
It might be beneficial in the sense that better distribution of bubbles might give you a better mixing action of the solution to keep things from settling out into dead spots on the bottom or in the middle of the root mass when it gets big. But I think those issues are more related to total volume of air being pumped. As I've used smaller pumps with multiple airstones and had visible particles settle on the bottom but with using larger pumps and just a single air stone I haven't seen any settling.

With one plant in one bucket - I'd say it's probably not worth messing with having 8 airlines/stones around the root mass.

YMMV of course, just my opinion.