Is there an RSO sub forum?


Well-Known Member
Well, the title says it all ;).

I was doing a search the other day & when someone asked a question about RSO they were directed to try the ‘RSO sub forum’, but I sure can’t find one in the sub forums. Is anyone aware of there being one? It would be great. I’ve had so many questions as I make it, and can find almost everything else i want to know except what I’m looking for at the time. So, it would sure be cool if there is one.


If you watch this video they'll come to a point where they boil the alcohol off and is left with a RSO like substance.

After I wrote this last answer, I’ve run across several times that I would have liked to have had a separate thread or ’sub forum’ for RSO.

The website has all the information Rick Simpson uses, however there are questions that come up, such as:

Use of Everclear. I know it’s done, and seems safer, so I tried it today after 3 batches of ISO. Well, it separated near the end, leaving a clearish liquid (from the alcohol) and a very dark one (that was the oily part). It also got a yellowish/brown hazy texture to the ‘clearish’ part.

After I put it in the syringe and let it cool down, there was obviously some alcohol left in it that I didn’t see before, and it separated again. I pulled the top of the syringe off and poured it out….thought I had it made…then….

It started melting the capsules…..they are just plain MELTED…thank goodness it didn’t melt a hole through them, but I can’t store them anywhere except on a flat surface.

And, bottom line…what happened and will it happen again.

This is just ONE question out of at least several that I would like to ask. That was why I was looking for that ‘sub’ forum i had heard about…too bad there isn’t one .
After I wrote this last answer, I’ve run across several times that I would have liked to have had a separate thread or ’sub forum’ for RSO.

The website has all the information Rick Simpson uses, however there are questions that come up, such as:

Use of Everclear. I know it’s done, and seems safer, so I tried it today after 3 batches of ISO. Well, it separated near the end, leaving a clearish liquid (from the alcohol) and a very dark one (that was the oily part). It also got a yellowish/brown hazy texture to the ‘clearish’ part.

After I put it in the syringe and let it cool down, there was obviously some alcohol left in it that I didn’t see before, and it separated again. I pulled the top of the syringe off and poured it out….thought I had it made…then….

It started melting the capsules…..they are just plain MELTED…thank goodness it didn’t melt a hole through them, but I can’t store them anywhere except on a flat surface.

And, bottom line…what happened and will it happen again.

This is just ONE question out of at least several that I would like to ask. That was why I was looking for that ‘sub’ forum i had heard about…too bad there isn’t one .
I think your alcohol left a watery phase behind that killed your caps. The fix is either a vacuum purge or letting a thin layer of your extract dry, say on plate glass.
I think your alcohol left a watery phase behind that killed your caps. The fix is either a vacuum purge or letting a thin layer of your extract dry, say on plate glass.

Thanks for your answer.

I understand the 2nd half. In fact, my husband suggested pouring it on the glass.

but, what is a ‘vacuum purge’?

thanks again.
Thanks for your answer.

I understand the 2nd half. In fact, my husband suggested pouring it on the glass.

but, what is a ‘vacuum purge’?

thanks again.
Placing your extract in a container attached to a mechanical vacuum pump. It’s quicker and removes solvent more completely. A vacuum desiccator works well.

Back again!

I keep having problems that aren’t answered on his site. I’ve also looked through videos as well as this forum, so I have tried to answer my questions myself without having to possibly re-ask; ie; bother you, or anyone who reads these….but, I’m trying to make this.

One thing I’ve looked at is dry ice hash, as it makes more per batch, but it also takes longer from what I remember. I need to watch (once again) the videos and go through the forum(s)…again… ; If it makes hash from 4 oz or so, it would last longer/and, have to do it less often. But, if it takes a day and have to wait a week or so *like bubble hash* then, i dunno. I have to revisit that.

I know I had at least one, if not more questions come up about RSO . Of course, I can’t remember them now, and that’s one of the reasons I’m rambling on & on.

Decarbing. Rick Simpson said, in his video, that it was determined that his mixture was decarboxolated when it was done without having to do it separately. Since it’s put through heat, it seems like it would be. I reduce mine in a crock pot, not a rice cooker, so the temperature is lower, but I know some do it by air drying. So, does anyone think it should be decarbed before?

I wonder what the person was talking about when they mentioned the “RSO sub forum”? sure wish there was one. I know I’ll have more questions.

thanks for your help in advance! :peace:
Placing your extract in a container attached to a mechanical vacuum pump. It’s quicker and removes solvent more completely. A vacuum desiccator works well.

WOW, that’s a lot of stuff to put together for such a small amount. I will read about it, though. I seem to be making a lot of it even though I just use one cap a night. I’ve got a couple of pill bottles full of them right now since I’m starting my taxes and don’t want to take a day off to make any during this time I’m working on them. The CPA needs my work by the end of the month and my brain is working on post-COVID strength o_O. It keeps checking out (not that it’s too unusual:p).

anyway. Thanks! I learned something new today :D!
I personally decarb before I make my oil. Your everclear is 95% alcohol and 5% water and that's why you have a small amount of water (with water solubles). When making oil I cook mine down most of the way but still leave it in a liquid state leaving a very small amount of alcohol and said water in which I transfer to a silicone baking sheet. Before pouring it on sheet, I use 4 binder clips on the corners to make a "boat" to contain the oil. I place that on a cookie sheet and into a preheated over at 200 to finish it off.
An interesting evolution of the RSO process using Iso:

I personally decarb before I make my oil. Your everclear is 95% alcohol and 5% water and that's why you have a small amount of water (with water solubles). When making oil I cook mine down most of the way but still leave it in a liquid state leaving a very small amount of alcohol and said water in which I transfer to a silicone baking sheet. Before pouring it on sheet, I use 4 binder clips on the corners to make a "boat" to contain the oil. I place that on a cookie sheet and into a preheated over at 200 to finish it off.

My husband said the liquid was water from the Everclear, too. Of course, I argued that it would have evaporated. He’ll be super delighted to find out he was right :clap:……for once in his life :p. I’ll give the ‘boat’ thingy a try. Thanks….
Oh, and decarbing is no problem. It works like it is, so I guess it’ll work even better when I do? that would be interesting as I’m sleeping like a baby all through the night, even though I have had a few nights that took awhile to get there, which didn’t happen when I made hash capsules.
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@Padddletail, does that mean it’s probably just better to make it with ISO?

The reason I changed to Everclear was that I was concerned with injesting the ISO in the first place just in case it wasn’t reduced entirely. In a crock pot it isn’t easy to tell. I put it in the syringe several times before I could tell it was completely gone.
I have never used ISO myself because of concerns and have purchased a Source Turbo so I didn't have to keep sending bottles of everclear to atmosphere as that adds up price wise. That being said, I did purchase a gallon of 99% ISO that was linked to on the site Fadedawg posted as I am going to go through that process at some point to see what my thoughts are for the future of my medicinal needs. But to answer your question, I wouldn't do the ISO route without the steps for cleaning the oil (silting, brine etc) personally.
I have never used ISO myself because of concerns and have purchased a Source Turbo so I didn't have to keep sending bottles of everclear to atmosphere as that adds up price wise. That being said, I did purchase a gallon of 99% ISO that was linked to on the site Fadedawg posted as I am going to go through that process at some point to see what my thoughts are for the future of my medicinal needs. But to answer your question, I wouldn't do the ISO route without the steps for cleaning the oil (silting, brine etc) personally.

What was the cost for the 1 gallon of ISO?
First off lots of states sell everclear at different proofs if you got 151 like we have here that’s where your water came from, otherwise it was either part of your process or the material wasn’t dry enough.

Reduce the alcohol in what ever you use at a lower temp(I like a nuwave oven if not going source turbo).

When most of the alcohol is gone I put in a smaller vessel and turn the temperature up to start decarbing. The first bubbles will be big ones and they are left over solvent, after that you will see small bubbles, once the small bubbles stop you are fully decarbed.

If at any point in the process you see the milky looking substance seperating from the oil its water. Best way to remove the majority of it is a lint free paper towel roll up the corner really tiny and barely touch the milky substance it will wick the water out. Repeat until most is gone.

I’d love to hear real info on why not to use iso, I’ve heard a million people say it but most are just repeating what others say. I’d like the actual reasoning that 99% iso isn’t safe anymore.