Is there any way


Is there any way i can automatically spray my plants with some type of auto mist sprayer that would water my plants once a day for me? Where can i get something like this? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't spray your plants, especially in a humid climate, as it can cause poowwddeerr mmiillddeeww. And you don't want to water once a day, only when your soil becomes dry and crusty, doing so can cause overwatering and root rot.

You can (if you have the time) create a pump system.


Okay thanks. I am using autoflowering seeds. Is there any where i can buy a pump system? If not then how do i make one? And how should i water my plants manually if i cant spray them? Thanks


Active Member
id suggest reading up a bit for a few days. So many systems available, research first, ask second :) welcome to riu


Active Member
Yes. you could use a watering globe:

...or the cheaper method. Get a bucket of water, dip one end of a twine in it and plant the other end of your twine in your soil.
If you're looking to keep the humidity up purchase a humidifier from a pharmacy for $20 or so.

how do you water manually???
Get some water in a vessel (jug, cup, bowl, watering can) pour water from vessel into soil when soil feels dry.


Thanks. The aqua globe doesnt work. Ive searched around a lot and havent found any working methods. Are there any other ideas?


Well-Known Member
spray outdoors, not indoors,is it hydro? just water them using eg flood and drain.