Is There Anything I Can Add To My Soil To Make It Dry Out FASTER??

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
Im growing in 5 gallon pots right now and would like to water at least twice a week so i can feed, water, feed but my pots dont dry out for 5 or 6 days....

I dont want to over water so what do you guys thing i was thinking perlite but im not sure if that hold more air or more water.:?::?:


Active Member
perlite supports air flow i am pretty sure...but I would say what is the big rush? what does it matter if you feed once a week and water once a week the next week? or are you dying to use more water?

[email protected]

Well-Known Member
i want to feed more often but i cant just feed feed feed for fear of salt build up so i need to feed water feed water but i can only do that once a week so my plants are not getting enough nutes. it tough either over water or under feed


Well-Known Member
You could add a large proportion of perlite to your medium. I saw someone on here doing a complete perlite grow and they said the only downfall was having to constantly water. Sounds like this is right up your alley.


Active Member
I still don't understand long as you consistently alter watering and feeding how will you underfeed? I only feed my FF nutrients once every other week and they are not underfed?


Well-Known Member
If you want to feed that often effectively you should go hydro. What you describe is a step on the way ;O) - add some clay balls to air it all up a bit - if you added a LOT of clay ball you could water like 3 times each day if that's what you want to do - but that's like .. hydro ;O)