Is there anything wrong with my plant?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, my friend decided to give me a plant and ive grown it for about a week since it was smaller.

I have used fish water and sometimes cracked egg shells, I also herd semen was good, so I put that in the soil every now and then. I don't use any nutrients.

The baby leaves seemed to curl up and fall off, however the first tier of leaves appear yellowish and destroyed at the ends. What is this from?

Please let me know if you can help, I would also like to know how many weeks this plant is.


blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
i think u just need to water it every other day. and not to use semen or egg shells or that fish water. just use regular tap water. and let it sit for about 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
check your pH as well dude, i'd say that your baby is about 2 weeks old after it germed.


Well-Known Member
haha so you've been feeding it with your sperm? Im no expert but that is some kinky growing technique lmao


Well-Known Member
no more semen..egg shells...or fish use bottled water (spring water) ..nd check ur Ph it shud be somewhere around 6.0....u might have to end up gettin nutts for it also ...keep it on a 12/12 lightcycle nd if its growin indoors make sure u have proper lighting and air circulation if not ull get mold nd bugs ..happy smokin:)


Well-Known Member
well first off, isn't it supposed to be at least 6.5 for soil, and second why would he put 12/12 on it now its only to weeks old. it needs 18/6


Well-Known Member
"this is a jizz free vicas" Stiffler. Other than american pie, I have never heard of anyone spreading the love like that. I mean talking to your plants is one thing...........anywhere between 5.5 and 6.5 is adequate for your ph balance. let your tap watter set over night so you give the chlorine a chance to evaporate. ya probably good that you stoped the penis phlem infusion. my quess is that it would lead to some kind of bacterial problem with the roots.


Well-Known Member
You're not related to the "shit on plant" guy are you ?? I can't take another one ..
1st.... cum goes into cunt or mouth.....not plant...get a grip... !!! Shit take some seeds and put them up a dogs ass...when they sprout, bury dog.... all inclusive..pot, nutes.... all in 1 package....... WTF


Well-Known Member
I herd somewhere that semen had nutrients vital to the development of the plant.