Is there Co2 in farts?


Well-Known Member
short answer.. no, and even if the farts were PURE C02.. you'd probably die of an aneurysm trying to fart that many times.


Well-Known Member
short answer.. no, and even if the farts were PURE C02.. you'd probably die of an aneurysm trying to fart that many times.

Don't worry...the room is static. If he eats enough beans he can fill it once as long as he's not exhausting the air.


Well-Known Member
Let's get on the topic of fermenting. I mean I'm sure there is something we could start fermenting to produce co2 besides yeast and sugar.


Well-Known Member
farts are very good at geting my girlfrend out of bed to make me a cup of coffee in the moorning, works every time,,,,lol:spew::spew::spew:


Sector 5 Moderator
this thread is proof positive that you should never get all smoked up and post a new thread. Farts are methane, not CO2. Anyway... never ever get smoked up and post on here thinking that you're getting into some philosophical thought train and everybody's gonna read the deeper meaning into it and ...and ...and ...fuck, I forgot what I was going to say.


Well-Known Member
Put a clothes pin on the plants nose if you are worried about the smell killing it.


Well-Known Member
what if you light them on fire would that make co2, this has to be the funniest thread yet


Too many brownies
this thread is proof positive that you should never get all smoked up and post a new thread. Farts are methane, not CO2. Anyway... never ever get smoked up and post on here thinking that you're getting into some philosophical thought train and everybody's gonna read the deeper meaning into it and ...and ...and ...fuck, I forgot what I was going to say.
Yeah, I do exactly what your advising not to do alllllll the time....People dont like it hahahaha :peace::peace::peace:. How about someone tries brewing A LOT of beer in their grow room. That would provide some CO2 AND be FUN!