Is there something to this? or just a fluke?


Active Member
I have one plant under a 6500k 100w CFL and one under 3700k 75w CFL - the one under 6500k seems to have more trichs and less pistils than the one under 3700k. is this a fluke or what? or do i just spend too much time looking at them! :grin:Photo01141336.jpg 3700 Photo01141340.jpg6500

just curious?


Active Member
it gets more lumens even tho its not the "proper spectrum" so i would say not a fluke by any means. now if the 6500k was a75 watt then maybe. looks great tho . ive bern wanting to try a cfl grow but dont have the time.


Active Member
both plants are the same age...into the 4th week of 12/12. been hesitating on swapping the 6500k out for the 3700k but have been a bit curious to see the difference...seems there is...should i go ahead and do the swap? i'm not on a time table however i do want to do what's best for the plant