Is there such a thing as too bushy/small ratio?

This is an auto blueberry x auto sweet tooth I've been growing for 21 days today. Had a little issue the first few days with non PHed water. But everything is going great now!

I'm wondering if a plant can get too bushy and run into problems with the leaf structure bumping into itself or anything else I should worry about or look for in the future.

The plant is pretty short like 3-4 inches about and it's just super bushy. I run it on a 20/4 light cycle just to give it a little cool off time cause lately we turned off the air here and it's gotten a little humid. I can change it to 24 if you guys think it will do better.

(any white spots is from drips of the water getting on it and me not wiping it off efficiently(I have calcium carbonate in my feed water)


These are under about 300W of LED.


Active Member
Your gonna want to replant it soon before it starts to flower. From what i read its best to plant autos in there final pot to begin with. Its so small i would let it bush out on its own, if you have issues with light pen tuck the leaves under another leaf or tie them down. Since it is an auto i wouldnt advise doing any cutting. Since you dont want to affect your end result. They dont get much time to grow to begin with so i would keep it all lst and what not. This information is coming from forums that i have read though so unless someone can back up anything i said i would advise you to wait and see what others have to say. Have a good day :)


Well-Known Member
when it starts to flower it will stretch quite a bit, probably start seeing pistils around day 35-40. Looks about right for a 21 day old auto to me. You should have started in a 3 gallon pot though, id say its worth transplanting. Autos do not like being transplanted as it cuts time off there veg and results in smaller plants, but if you don't get that into a bigger pot soon it will become rootbound during flower and will do more damage to your final yield in my opinion


Well-Known Member
As long as you only have one plant going you cannot get too bushy. Remember - the more growing points you have the more bud sites you have. Bushy = buds! Won't be a prob until you get greedy and try to see how many plants you can squeeze under one light. Remember - more light = more, bigger buds! A plant at 12 inches from the light gets 4 times the light energy it would get at 24 inches. Works 4 me. BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I have one of them growing and I wish mines turned out like yours. Mines has stretched quite a bit more than yours. Could have been due to a gnat problem early on but that has since been sorted.

Here is a link to my day 20 Auto Blueberry x Auto Sweet Tooth.

Looks great, the pot may be a little small, if you are going to transplant to a bigger pot do it now. I have a smallish pot but I am already in flowering that started at day 20 so you can imagine that there will not be a great deal of yield from an auto plant.
Thanks guys, I'll go about repotting today then! Chemtrailsrbad, I think I got the same jack/whitewidow freebie as you from SoS... but mine died from a PH problem that caused my own judgement error in over watering :( But yours looks good!


Well-Known Member
probably should have filled that bucket up all the way. Hope you have some drain holes in it. That seems like a lot of root damage to me, should take about a week to recover
It's an Auto so I don't really think it needs all the room, (people are growing them in solo cups...) and 10-15% isn't a lot at all from what I've seen (maybe for an auto though) but since it was in a small smallll container, it's like 1 inch of side roots that got taken off. Hopefully it won't take too long to recover since I'm adding some root hormone to it.


Well-Known Member
yeah it will probably be fine. People do grow autos in solo cups but a 3 gallon pot is whats recommended to get a large sized plant with a good yield. a plant will only grow as big as its environment will allow. I think you got it early enough in veg that shock from the transplant should be minimal, most autos start flowering between 30-40 days from seed, and you do not want to transplant a flowering plant auto or otherwise
Actually Adjor, it seems like this strain is pretty dead set on 20 days till flowering starts....

Just did a look through of the plant to see if everything was doing ok 8-9 hours after the transplant and it seem the girl has shown herself!


Well-Known Member
looks like u damaged the roots quite a bit while repotting, give it some time to recover its only been 24hrs chill out.i recommend misting the leaves if you have a spray bottle to help it transpire better. you watered it after transplanting right?

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
I remember posting my Repotting technique awhile back... Ripping them out if the Pots and throwing them in another Pot..

You Don't actually wanna do that People!!....
