Is there such thing as F.I. ?

Anubis Toke

If so, what does it stand for?

If it's not a strain and just some random "drow" I will be disappointed... lol. :dunce:
My friend received some bud from his friend that had "FI" written on the bag... I have some seeds from the same stuff now. Why not yaknow? Haha.

Any useful info is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It stands for a Vancouver Island Seed Company strain called "Fucking Incredible" I've seen mixed reviews of it. A Indica dominant strain I believe.


Well-Known Member
It stands for a Vancouver Island Seed Company strain called "Fucking Incredible" I've seen mixed reviews of it. A Indica dominant strain I believe.
Actually a friend brougth me a nug of Fucking Incredible. The nug smelled earthy and spicy, also tasted that way. The high was nice, it was a euphoric stone like being in a hazey bubble. It took care of my nausea instantly. Its a B for quality. Did everything Good bud should do but the high was simply stoney. I woudln't grow it, but I also would never turn down a bowl of it.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
It could be Fucking Incredible of which I have read horrible grow reports on, or it could be an F1 which is a cross of 2 different strains.


Active Member
I have a couple Fuckin' Incredibles going right now. They had leaves that looked like it had been over watered regularly when I got the clones and they haven't fully recovered, 1 is much better looking than the other (the reason I always get at least 2 clones). They seem finicky and the person I got the clones from said they haven't been able to get any clones to take since I got mine from them. I read that they like a higher ph 6.6-6.8 which can add a bit more work when watering a room with different plants with different needs etc. Unfortunately I've only had mine a few weeks so I don't have info on how they bloom...

I wanted to try growing it after smoking some from a dispensary. My friend and I both thought it was pretty good weed when we smoked it.. but I don't plan to keep it around. Gotta weed some out, and F.I. isn't high enough grade to stick around. I will be flowering the two I have though, just for fun.