Is this a burn from the light? PICTURE


Well-Known Member
This is a new leaf. I noticed today that it had turned slightly brown at the tip. Do you think it's from the CFL being to close?

My fukking fan broke. I have no idea why. It just stopped working. Wont come on no matter what I do. So, as of now, there is no fan.



Active Member
first time grower here too ur pic is blury, it could be though a burn from the light( i have a lot of those )....any other pic more clear maybe?


Well-Known Member
It could be a burn from the light but its probably small chemicle burn. no worries man unless they are on several fan leaves, If you see a lot of those burn patches then you need to flush your soil. What are you feeding it. You should give about 1/4 the amount of nutrients that the feed directions tell you to feed it.