Is this a good idea? bad idea? (pics)


Active Member
So I have two groups of plants that are almost a month and a half into veg right now. 4 feminized Ak-47s and 4 mystery seeded plants (I think they might be white widow)...

All of these plants get sun during the day on my porch and then go into the grow room at night.

The AKs have gotten the wealth of my lights though (4 6500k cfls per plant) and the others have been under a really weak set of 40 watt flouro tubes which I've just kept them under to prevent them from going into flowering.


Would it help or harm these plants if I mixed up who got the CFL's a little? Like alternated them on the CFLs??? Would that potentially harm the AKs at all? I'd just put them under the flouro one night and put them under the CFLs the next...

Here are the sets of plants. The first 5 pics are the AKs, as you can see they are quite bushy and healthy for 5 weeks.

The others look kind of good but they are totally stretching and not showing as many developing branches as I had hoped...

So whaddya think???

Bad idea? Good idea?



Active Member
Not sure what you meant... If I didn't make it clear I haven't done this yet, I'm asking if it sounds like a good idea or if the expected outcome would be that the one's getting the cfl's currently would suffer and the others wouldn't benefit enough to make it worthwhile...


Well-Known Member
Yes sure you can do that . rotate between the 2 types of lights with your plants . if you didnt the ones under the 4 cfls would probaly be bigger overall and if you rotate you will get more even growth. Be sure u check for bug infestations since you go between indoors and out .While your plants are inside there are no natural predators to maintain insects that love pot . while they are outdoors it more of an natural food web . Thats why indoor growers get spider mites so bad there no other insects inside to prey on them . >>>>just a thought no big deal I,m sure just keep a sharp eye out.


Active Member
Cool, thanks for the advice. I'm going to go ahead and do that. I do check for pests, but fortunately my porch is enclosed by a screen, reducing the potential for infestation.

So just to be sure, you're saying that if I rotate I should get more growth from the ones currently under the CFLs?

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
As long as you're not alternating the amount of light per day, such as 24 hrs one day, 18 another, 20 the next ... you should be fine. Reason for this, is because if you are growing outdoor or bringing them outside, plants only require about 5 hrs avg direct sunlight a day to keep it healthy n prevent serious stretching. From there the rest of the light is simply keeping it in veg til the light cycle changes outdoors. I'm assuming you're gonna start leaving them outside when your natural light cycle changes? Be careful about bringing them inside too. You can bring more pests & critters in your house than you can imagine!


Active Member
T12s I think. Those are the 4 footers, right? They really stink, again, this is just to keep them from going into veg. I wish I had the space and resources to give them all CFLs, or better with an HPS, but alas, this is what I have to work with.


Active Member
Yeah, fortunately the porch I keep them on is enclosed by a screen, so infestation is less likely...

And also it's been raining so much in the past week and a half (with a forecast of more storms for the next 9 days) that they're all just not getting enough sun on an average day. So I thought this was pretty necessary.
I use High output t5's fluoros and they work great, and don't suck up so much electricity. i only use them for clones, and vegging though, not flowering.