Is this a good regime?


New Member
I am planning on using guano (one high N, one high P for flowering) wormcastings, kelp and dry molasses in FFOF soil.
Is there any better soils? Or better products i should use?
What would you add or subtract from this regime?


Well-Known Member
40% FFOF, 40% Happy Frog, 15% perlite, 5% combination of worm castings, bone meal, blood meal, dolomite lime. Works like a charm, no nutes for 4 weeks. After that, just worm casting tea until mid-flower then a bat guano/banana tea to finish.


Well-Known Member
Can you make your own? Way better than ffof, super soil blows away ffof and tbh its ffof is good out of the bag but the price is steep conpared to homeade . I made about 100 gallons of soil thats about 13 cf of soil for about 7 bucks per cf. My plants are growing the best they ever had in this mix and just because its cheap doesnt mean its bad its just a good workout making your own soil. The most expensive thing I use is roots oregonism xl which is about $50 but its the most important thing in my soil imo then worm castings.

Here's what I use and im not saying its the best but I found all stuff local for a good price and all I do is water and hit them w a aact every now and then and maybe a nute booster tea .

My soil mix ingredients.

High quality spagnum peat moss
Fishbone meal
Bat quano
Feather meal
Oyster shell flour
Dolomite lime
Seabird quano
Kelp meal
Alfalfa meal
Humic acid
Roots oregonism
Green sand

Im going to buy some neem meal soon and a few others to add. Some stuff I use alot and others I use a little. Message me if you want the exact recipe. Its very fun and rewarding making your own mix and if you run the same plant a few rounds in the soil you can tweak it to fit that strain.


Well-Known Member
I would also recommend building a warm farm. About $100 bucks will set you up w a lil station and youll save a ton and you feed them table scraps, preferably no meat but use the meat to make bokashi and you got a complete system. My shop looks like a laboratory with all my experiments lol


New Member
I want to eventually mix my own soil, just dont have the $ to buy so many diff ingredients at the moment. Are there any other mixes better than FFOF?
If im using a premade soil mix like ffof what are the 5 most important amendments to add in in your guys opinions?


Well-Known Member
How many plants you plan to grow? I know where you can geg amendments cheap and are good . Organically done is the brand, local to michigan.

5 main things to add to roots organic soil which I would use over ff, ff likes to throw in bark imo.

Earthworm castings
Bat quano