Is this a good setup?


Active Member
  • Tent size: 1.2m x 1.2m
  • Light: 600W HPS
  • Nutes: Bio bizz Grow & Bloom
  • Growing medium: Canna terra professional soil
  • Strain: Kalashnikova - Green house seed co.
  • Grow from clones
  • Veg for 4 weeks
  • flower for 9-10 weeks

I was thinking of using 64x 15cm (1.5L) pots and growing 64 small plants,
Is it possible to yield at least 2-3 ounces from each plant.
Is this possible?
If not, please suggest improvements.
Many thanks guys,
No hate please, I've never grown indoors before


Well-Known Member
First things first.

4x4 tent is just big enough for your 600w.

4 weeks veg on clones would require alot of space!

How much are you wanting to harvest?

Generally between 300-600g would be considered a modest harvest for your 600w light.

With 4 weeks veg from clone I wouldnt exceed 6 plants in your tent.

6x3ft plants will fill in your area by harvest time.

If you want to run alot of little plants SOG style I would recommend around 20 but you'll need around a 5litre pot for each with around 2 weeks veg from rooted clone.
