Is this a male plant ?


Well-Known Member
I beleive it to be a male plant but im still new too this , it does have a little stem to it but instead of a more rounding ball on top of it , but its seems pointy too me so thts what's kinda throwing me off cause I haven't really been able to find male pics like these tht I took20210307_155336.jpg20210307_155501.jpg


Drty bstrd

Give it little more time, i had several plants look exactly like that and turned out to be female, its too early to be sure.....


Well-Known Member
Yea ,couple more weeks at most and you will know,......i see that you topped it!!! good shit but damn do i know the Inpatient struggle of gender waiting especially when you wanna train
Yes lol im waiting for the gender so I can start training and moving it to its final pot but its my first time having to determine what they are

Drty bstrd

put a black plastic bag over one of the branches for 12/12 and it will start to preflower shortly then you can identify and stop using bag and the branch will go back to veg, make sure no light gets in the bag......this really works i have done it


Well-Known Member
Yes lol im waiting for the gender so I can start training and moving it to its final pot but its my first time having to determine what they are
Induce flower on a lower branch by covering with a dark light proof material for max 12 hours light. Be a week until easily identifiable. Uncover if happy and let reveg. Minor delay of test buds on lowers. No real loss. My thing. Hope you find better.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ill give one of these methods a shot. Preferably the one tht uses a cutting instead of inducing flowering on just a single branch thts still attached


Well-Known Member
I would think most growers are getting feminized seed. I can only see geneticists wanting male plants. So unless you’re into taking risks of getting males or worse pollinating your girls. I choose not to play that game. I have never gotten a male plant. And neither have hundreds of growers.