Is this a male.


Well-Known Member
First grow from seed. Always used clones before so I’ve never had a male cannabis plant. Input would be appreciated as I’ve only seen pictures of male cannabis plants. Definitely want to get any males out ASAP. Pretty sure this one is just want some more opinions before trashing it. Looks like some balls coming in? Let me know what you think and Happy growing!14EED467-D820-4D4D-B68B-128143067C25.jpeg8F5DE9EB-B913-438D-8C90-5C55E15267D5.jpeg
give it another couple of days and ask again.
if its a female, you will see a tear drop shape with two white hairs poking out the top
if its a male, those balls will have a very small stem on them and the ball will stand proud on its tiny stalk
Second one could be fem but that's just those nodes. If second plant is from same bag it will probably Herm down the road or if it gets a little stress. If he got all seeds from same bag I'd scrap them all.
Second one could be fem but that's just those nodes. If second plant is from same bag it will probably Herm down the road or if it gets a little stress. If he got all seeds from same bag I'd scrap them all.
Both pics are of the same plant just different areas