Is this a male?


I'm not really sure but think it is starting to show male pre-flowering. Before I chop it down, I just wanted to get some input from some of the vets here..



Well-Known Member
burn it, make video and put on youtube so we can all let our seedlings watch it so they know what is going to happen if they pull that shit



This mofo was growing an inch a day in all directions. I knew something was odd for Master Kush to grow so wildly. I was salivating just imagining the yeild on it, but it is too good to be true.

Trust me guys, he's gonna die a slow agonizing death in my stinking compost pile. I should probably cut off all the balls (ouch) and burn them just to be sure there is no chance of any pollination.

OK, I got to ask. Do males usually grow faster and larger than females (before any pre-flowering is shown)? Same thing happened to me last year when male grew considerably larger while the female counterpart was vegging slow and steady.


New Member
Yes, without a doubt they are more vigorous. Such a nice pik you provided. Usually it's some blurry sideways distant pik of the node but yours is very clear. +Rep

That pik is worthy to put in a book. It leaves no doubt what it is without being so far along that it is too obvious like dee tees piks. What camera model do you have?


Its an older Canon S90. I thought the focus was off a bit, but not bad for a P&S camera. A DSLR would've done even better job.


Well-Known Member
I never cut males immediately because theres a chance it could be a hermie. That plant looks nice. Did you ever consider using it as a bull?


I've got few more regular seeds of Master Kush, so I am bound to have more males of this vigor if I ever want to try and breed. he's a very healthy guy but I really don't want to risk pollinating my Prozack (fem) strain that's in the grow area. I've heard good things about Prozack.. I want to make sure it grows sensi.

Even though there is a chance of him turning hermie, I'd assume he would still release pollen first before switching and that's a risk I don't want to take. I wish I could just give him away instead of chopping him down as I took good care of him (clean grow - no store bought chemicals of any kind).


Well-Known Member
Male plants do not turn hermie, only females. Hermie means a female plant puts out male polen sack in order to polinate itself due to frustration.


Well-Known Member
Yes, without a doubt they are more vigorous. Such a nice pik you provided. Usually it's some blurry sideways distant pik of the node but yours is very clear. +Rep

That pik is worthy to put in a book. It leaves no doubt what it is without being so far along that it is too obvious like dee tees piks. What camera model do you have?
Read this more than once. I have two regs going right now, one is clearly outgrowing the other. Will test this out soon I think.