Is this a male ??????


Active Member
I think you need to wait a little longer before you would know. I am thinking it is not male. If you get another ball next to that one normally about 3 then yes it would be male. Are you flowering it at the moment or still in veg? Looks like you are vegging right now, am I right? try not worry just yet but keep your eye on it. I have one plant that looks exactly the same as that and I have not decided yet. Another sign for me is that your plant is not very tall. Male plants grow like crazy they get very big very fast because they want to sow their stuff over the female, so you may just be ok. But it really is not possible to say just yet.


Well-Known Member
hey dude yes in veg at the mo
i will keep a lookout for more balls
hope your rite mrz
i will wait a little longer thanx people you are fantastic


Well-Known Member
thanx brothers in arms
will def wait and see the outcome
first grow just get worried abit
i suppose everyone is like this on there first!!!!!


Active Member
First though: You should really stop over watering them, they look mopey all droppin down like that.
Second: Great job, nice healthy green growth. Keep it up and you'll have some nice Indica there.


Well-Known Member
first i just watered them so they mite have a little water drooping them down
i water them when i have a dig and the soil is DRY
i give them about 500ml once a day of rain water or untill i get a little runoff
i feed them every second day with 1/4 nutes
do you think the droopy 1 is indica or sativa ? i think sativa
its bag seed that 1
will get a gauge for humidity and soil weatness soon when i got some cash


Well-Known Member
hey buddy. i just had like 10 plants mature and sex so its all fresh in my head. i had about 4-5 of them that had the early lookings of a male.
and only 1 of them turned out to be female. so im gonna guess with 80% confidence that its male.

with that said your plants are certainly to early to tell and cannot pollinate the females yet anyway. so wait it out
like 5-7 more days and post a new pic my friend and we should be able to tell you with 100% confidence.