Is this a nanner??


Well-Known Member
Plants (autos) are 2-3 weeks from the finish line….at least that’s my estimate. Won’t know until the time passes. Anyway, I found this little growth….looks like a nanner….but I wanna make sure. My calyces are really swelling and heaving out these super thick white pistils….I’ve mistaken several of those for nanners but realized just in time before I clipped em. I’m more sure of this but wanna be certain. Didn’t see anymore, and with not long to go I’m hoping to limp across the finish line. 37F14DB2-3520-4E83-A558-434BA0B5BF11.jpegF3C3727D-B193-40EB-84B1-EE5B82DB6DA0.jpegE17CF7E7-AF26-4C2E-8E66-B961BAF955F1.jpeg
Plants (autos) are 2-3 weeks from the finish line….at least that’s my estimate. Won’t know until the time passes. Anyway, I found this little growth….looks like a nanner….but I wanna make sure. My calyces are really swelling and heaving out these super thick white pistils….I’ve mistaken several of those for nanners but realized just in time before I clipped em. I’m more sure of this but wanna be certain. Didn’t see anymore, and with not long to go I’m hoping to limp across the finish line. View attachment 5062963View attachment 5062965View attachment 5062966
Looks like it to me.
Plants (autos) are 2-3 weeks from the finish line….at least that’s my estimate. Won’t know until the time passes. Anyway, I found this little growth….looks like a nanner….but I wanna make sure. My calyces are really swelling and heaving out these super thick white pistils….I’ve mistaken several of those for nanners but realized just in time before I clipped em. I’m more sure of this but wanna be certain. Didn’t see anymore, and with not long to go I’m hoping to limp across the finish line. View attachment 5062963View attachment 5062965View attachment 5062966
Nope, those are two nanners…
What should I do?? I looked and looked and didn’t see any others. These buds are taking forever… and just passed week 13. I guess there’s a chance I can stay on top of the situation, pluck any more that pop up and ride it out. That plant is much better looking bud than the other 2…..I hate to pull it with so little time left. And you can see from the pic that it needs more time to ripen. What would y’all do?
What should I do?? I looked and looked and didn’t see any others. These buds are taking forever… and just passed week 13. I guess there’s a chance I can stay on top of the situation, pluck any more that pop up and ride it out. That plant is much better looking bud than the other 2…..I hate to pull it with so little time left. And you can see from the pic that it needs more time to ripen. What would y’all do?
It really doesn’t matter
Nanners in late flower aren’t a big deal it would take at least a month to even form a nonviable seed
Just grow em
I have seen plenty of good weed with a few yellow flowers
Ride it out until those pistils recede into the bud. I can't tell you how many times I've regretted pulling a plant too early lol. You'll likely see more nanners pop as the weeks progress, but honestly I wouldn't even stress it.
Ride it out until those pistils recede into the bud. I can't tell you how many times I've regretted pulling a plant too early lol. You'll likely see more nanners pop as the weeks progress, but honestly I wouldn't even stress it.
I feel ya….this is my first indoor grow and it’s a lot different from the outdoor growing I did years ago. For starters, we only visited the plants once or twice a month. Now it’s rare for an hour to go by without me having a looksee.
To me my buds just don’t look like they are moving along the way they should. I’m sure it doesn’t help that I see them every day, but just when it looks like they may be making a push to finish, they’ll start spitting out more white pistils. The calyces are swollen and just heaving out super thick strands of pistils. And at the rate they are going it’ll be a month before all those hairs recede or change color. I know the breeder timelines are wishful thinking but I’m heading into week 14 (with a supposed 9-10 week finish). It would be different if they were close….but these ladies are not showing much ambition. So the 9-10 week strain could end up being a 17-18 weeker. Makes me think I’ve done something to cause the situation.
I may have stressed them too much with a wide range of temps and humidity levels. They’ve been bounced around from temps in the low 60s to the mid 80s, and endured humidity from the 20s to the 70s. No doubt the next expense needs to be some sort of automated timer system that’s linked to the heat, humidity and exhaust.
I wasn’t too worried about then taking so long until I found the nanner…..that fucking nanner. I used to be a big fan of bananas….never again. Lol
Thanks for the advice and just chiming in. I don’t have a lot of people that I can discuss my grow with.