Is this a nute burn?


This is my first grow and I’ve been using nothing but sunlight. Is this a nute burn or could it have been a raccoon or something that bit the leaf? Or could it be from the heat or somethin? The rest of the leaves seem fine but the bottom 2 seem to be experiencing some yellowing. What do I do??? I can’t seem to do anything right!
If you are not using any nutrients and if you dont ph your water then probuably thats the problem here....If it was from heat stress then the odges of the leaves would hace curled up...Remove the danaged leaves and give the plant what she needs
Doesnt look too bad. Could have just been a wet leaf burned by the sun. How deep is that pot? Are you planning on transplanting? What soil are you using? Are you using extra nutes?
She is looking alright. Her first "real" leaves are little more than cotyledon. Yellowing and eventual loss is expected. Basically her larger leaves are out performing her primary leaves, and they are shutting down as a result.
No that is not nute burn. That looks more like mechanical damage and some drying out. I cannot see any signs of animal damage.
Remember, we are only here to guide her, feed her, and help her when needed. Generally we are observers, and can only influence very little.
Also, just starting off sucks. We've all been there and most of our first harvests sucked. I know mine did. Im on my 3rd&4th grows staggered about 6 weeks apart and am set tto have my best havrest yet.
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