Is this amount of yellowing normal for 3 1/2 weeks flowering?


New Member
Im feeding crazy bloom and standard 202020 mix at 150% dosage. I cant figure out wtf it is. Theres no nute burn or anything.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
have you tested soil ph ??? probably out of wack would be my guess would probably give them foilar spray for quick fix before leafs pass the point of no return


Well-Known Member
Feeding at 150%bloom?!!! That's your problem. Your suppose to gradually add the flowering nutes, not cut off your veg and hit it 150% with bloom booster. Your gal is eating herself away. Patience is the key grasshopper.


Well-Known Member
Mon doesn't even add bloom til week 4-6 of flower depending on indica or satvia, not enough n in bloom for the beginning of flower.

Cassinfo is correct, plants are pulling out n eating themselves. To much p k affecting uptake of n.

Just use the 20-20-20 til week five and you might get it under control.