Is this BS or could it happen?


Well-Known Member
Last night friend gets a call from a creep that has been hitting on her in Maryland. He says he needs to dump off a couple Lbs with her because the police opened a package that he was sent from a legal state. He said the package was delivered but it said the police signed for it. I have never heard of the police getting a package and not just showing up at your house, I am not sure how postal inspectors work but I would think they would do the same. I think the guy is bullshitting her just to get to see her but I was wondering if anyone ever heard of this?

He later said that he went to DC and put it in a storage locker "because it is legal there" which makes me think it is all a total lie since that would be even more felonies to do so and it sounds like his next move will be to say they searched his place and didn't find anything and so no one would question the original lie.
Ya he's a creep and just wants to have contact by leaving pounds with her ......BULLSHIT all the way ....if it was the popo they'd deliver the package to him.

He's probably masterbating now about dropping lbs off .....((yuck))

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Sounds like BS. If the police had gotten a warrant and opened a package that contained cannabis, they would be the ones to deliver it. They wouldn't say, "my bad", wrap it back up and deliver it without showing up for a visit. Not even a postal inspector would do that. Not even DHL would do that.

If the package contained cannabis, and was intercepted and then delivered to his house, he (or whoever accepted the package) would be in jail. He wouldn't be trying to hide it.

Besides, only a fool would take a package from someone they don't know well enough to die for knowing it contained an illegal substance. You would be the first one they would give up if they were squeezed. They might even claim you were their supplier to get more mileage out of giving you up.
BS.... Probably best to put some distance from this dude, there's no telling what he's actually up to.

So you are not recommending that I kick his ass :( Yeah the friend of mine is actually a felon so he may be looking for someone to take a fall. The funniest was when she told me about the call she said he used code words to describe what happened, all I could think is if she understood what flower ment so do the cops so at that point why not just talk lol
So you are not recommending that I kick his ass :( Yeah the friend of mine is actually a felon so he may be looking for someone to take a fall. The funniest was when she told me about the call she said he used code words to describe what happened, all I could think is if she understood what flower ment so do the cops so at that point why not just talk lol
That was my thoughts, someone is looking for someone to take the fall. Stay away.
...and I'll make it unanimous;

Drop that fucker like a hot brick.

Lose his number, block his, act like a stranger if he calls from a different number. There's plenty of quality people out there, no need to fuck with fools.
It simply wouldn't say the police signed for it.
They'd have an undercover ready to deliver the package and cops and dogs there the minute the undercover was out of sight. It'd be flashbangs and crying kids on the sidewalk all day.
Your friend is a former felon. She's obviously not smart enough to make judgement calls as to not become a repeat felon.
I'm willing to bet if he does show up he shows up without "his pounds" because he has a safe area close by.
Or she ends up in Uncle Touchy's basement funhouse?
Even the cover of this story has a huge picture of BS on it. Honestly I'd cover your own tracks if your friend is reckless enough to even get involved in said situation.