Is this bud rot?


Active Member
I was doing some maintenance and found what I believe is bud rot (?) on one of my colas. I thought it was mold and lopped that sucker off right away. It's a shame! It was one of, if not the largest colas in the whole crop. Problem seems isolated though. Took a few pics to share.

So you can get an idea of the size... :cry:

Cross section - Kind of hard to see from pics but notice the dull brownish-gray areas

Guess I need more air circulation... and less than a week until harvest. I salvaged what I could from the top and bottom and it's now drying. The middle 75% went down the disposal. Yet another lesson learned though. One more thing to tweak in the room before the next crop.


Well-Known Member
Budd rott is much easier for me to spot using regular incandescent lighting,i use a shop light with a 100 watt bulb,pull out one plant at a time & check them over,i cant see shit under hid lights.


Active Member
Ok... so I thought it was isolated to the one cola. So much for being optimistic. I'm gonna guess it's contained to about 5%-10% of the crop I inspected. It seems to only be in about 25% of the largest colas.

Basically, the crop is ready for harvest. I had planned on 3-5 more days for the trichs to darken a little more but no biggy. I doubt anyone would complain about the quality. More worried about the bud rot right now. Can anyone tell me if bud rot spreads plant to plant through the air (like mold) or if it is just caused from an improper wet environment? I'd guess a combo of both.

So I'm thinking I should go harvest all the colas right away--Trim and inspect them for rot. This sucks because they have the clearest trichs. I need to get the rotten ones out and I don't want anymore to succumb to it. Any dangers in just harvesting the cola? Anything to worry about it not being attached to the stalk/branches for drying?

I can get all the colas chopped, inspected, trimmed, and hung to dry in the next couple of hours. Then start harvesting the lower branches/buds tomorrow. Comments/suggestions from any veterans? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Any bud that has any sign of budd rott should be removed asap,weather you need to chop it all asap depends on whats going on in your room,what is the humidity level,are you bringing in a constant flow of fresh air,are you exhausting stale air or recirculating it.

Mold spores can be transfered by air,one bud comming in brief contact with an affected bud or from you touching them with spores on your hands can spread the mold,on the bright side mold hates moving air & has a very hard time surviving in a breeze,oscalating fans work best,put a fan in each corner of your room,if you buy all the same brand & size fans you should be able to time the movement of the fans to keep a circular breeze blowing around the room,wit all 4 fans going you can raise each fan to a different height to get good air flow through the entire grow area at all levels.

Unless your room has serious issues like mold being created by damp dank basement walls or other areas you should be able to stop the spread of any new mold by increasing the shit out of air flow & circulation on & around the plants,after removing any effected budds.

The budds that you cut off the budd rott should be hung asap & have a fan blowing directly on them.


Active Member
Thank you Panhead. Good info.

The problem was caused by laziness and lack of experience. They've been going strong from clone until now. And this close to harvest I guess I figured there was no way I could fuck them. Wrong!

I over watered them about a week ago and never removed the standing water. It was very humid, don't know what % though. One more investment I've been needing to make. I shop-vac'd the standing water (about 6 gallons worth over four 2x4 trays in a 6x9 chamber). I setup a fan move more air now too.

I guess I'll go chop down the infested sites now and get what's salvageable ready to be quick dried. This blows.

Really though, the damage is not THAT widespread and the spots that do have mold/rot are very minimal. That first cola I noticed looks the be the worst of it. <knock on wood> Wish me luck. I'll have an update in a few hours.

BTW, here's a link to my setup. Bud shots are in my gallery. I figure I've got about $1,000 in improvements and enhancements coming after I deal with this harvest. #1 on the list humidity issues.


Active Member
I'm a little relieved now. Problem is NOT widespread. Limited to about 6 buds, granted 6 large buds/colas. Only has to toss about about an ounce or two (wet weight). Glad I caught it before it got worse! Hopefully that is the end of it.

Can't wait to get this harvest over! :joint::joint::joint: