Is this clone worth keeping

Jimi O'Connor

Active Member
This clone was cut the 1st or 2nd week of flowering. As you can see it appears to be fixing itself out, but the one branch is growing taller than the main that ok

I toped the main stalk and the one branch thats growing taller, I know I probably toped it to early but i was trying to prevent the one branch from getting way taller than the main stalk


Well-Known Member
Without a picture I’d say:
Cut it back to break the apical dominance. Or bend the branch if you have the space.
Sounds like It’s revegging, so you may see weird growth for a few weeks. And yea it’s worth keeping if it’s growing and you like smoking on it.
In veg you can treat her like a dirty stripper. It’s when you enter flower she’s wifey material and you put a ring on it and treat her right :)


Well-Known Member
Without a picture I’d say:
Cut it back to break the apical dominance. Or bend the branch if you have the space.
Sounds like It’s revegging, so you may see weird growth for a few weeks. And yea it’s worth keeping if it’s growing and you like smoking on it.
In veg you can treat her like a dirty stripper. It’s when you enter flower she’s wifey material and you put a ring on it and treat her right :)
I like what you did there lol well said

Jimi O'Connor

Active Member
Without a picture I’d say:
Cut it back to break the apical dominance. Or bend the branch if you have the space.
Sounds like It’s revegging, so you may see weird growth for a few weeks. And yea it’s worth keeping if it’s growing and you like smoking on it.
In veg you can treat her like a dirty stripper. It’s when you enter flower she’s wifey material and you put a ring on it and treat her right :)
Im such an idiot i never posted the pic...



Well-Known Member
More light needed, hate when they stretch like that, makes it harder for them to snap out of it.

It will look normal in a COUPLE of weeks.