Is this contamination?


Active Member
I'm using pf tek and after picking up a cake to pick the mushrooms off it the top turned blue within a few minutes so I figured I bruised it. But now it's turning kind of orange. Contam.JPG

Also I have a question about flushes, what exactly is a flush? Because I'll get some mushrooms to grow but there's still a bunch of little ones left so I let them mature but more keep springing up before I pick them all. Is a flush just after the first ones mature?
i cant get the pic to expand so ill just say this..when in doubt throw it out..
flushes are harvests..depends on how you grow as to what you do between flushes..but you pick the bigger ones and case or dunk,and wait for round two,then three..usually after 3 the sub is spent/not worth the trouble..hope this helps.if not,canndo will be along shortly.:-)
Done. The orange stuff is the contam right? Does the blue look like bruising like I thought?
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