Is this curing?

Surfer Joe

Well-Known Member
Back in the days before growing our own, we used to buy pot and then compress it a lot to send it somewhere.
The plastic bag of pot was rolled very tight and pressed very hard to make the size very flat and thin then it was taped up and pretty much sealed, sometimes for about 2 months before being opened and put in a grinder to fluff up again.
I read that when mexican pot was bricked up for transport in the old days, it sort of cured in the bricks.

My question is, does compressing and sealing the pot like described above create any sort of changes in the pot like curing? Or would it be like trying to make hash by squeezing and kneading the stuff used to make the hash? Or would it hurt the trichs and make it worse?
To answer it in a simple way; No it isn't curing.
I won't go into how you cure weed since that has been covered several times on this forum, including in a sticky in this very sub-forum.

By curing we understand that we control the RH inside a container, we allow the properly dried product to re-hydrate within a container.
The reason we "burp" the containers is because we want to 'extract' moisture over time in a controlled fashion.

If you did what you talked about to freshly dried weed you would most likely develop mold.
Unless you have already dried the weed to a certain extent where curing is no longer viable (~55% RH), in which case curing is pointless anyway.
In any case what you described has nothing to do with curing.

I would imagine you would actually damage the weed a lot by pressing it in such a way.