is this done how do i tell?


DSCF2003.jpgDSCF2004.jpgDSCF2006.jpgDSCF2001.jpgDSCF2015.jpgDSCF2013.jpgDSCF2012.jpgDSCF2010.jpgDSCF2008.jpgDSCF2007.jpgthis purple plant has been growing since june i just brought it inside the really green one is a friends an i think it has atleast two months left i have one 100w metal halide bulb i want to get more bought there socket is expensive anybody know how i can make a sun master 400w metal halide buld work with a cheap unit i cant find anything it doesnt have a standerd end its the big end not like a normal light its bigger? i think the purple plant when i seprate the top bud looks a little fuzzy like a little mold is starting but not much what should i do the hair on it are about 70% i would say people say its done but i feel like it should get bigger there is still white hairs should i let it go another month or just hangit? anything would help also my leaves right at the top are really dry and the little ones around the buds are curling up


Well-Known Member
This might help-

As the plant matures the new calyx (flower) will form making new pistals (hairs). As each calyx ripen the pistals in those individual calyx will shrivel and receed back. You're going to see a bunch of new calyx form with new pistals that shrivel, that's what makes up the bud. When it comes time to harvest you're going to be looking for a number of things at once, not just the trich color like everyone says, there's more to it.
Here's the order the plant matures so you know what to expect-

1. calyx and pistals form
2. pistal hairs turn color and shrivel back to calyx which will have started swelling
3. calyx swell with resin
4. **Now is when to look for trich color**

The trichomes can start changing color from the time they develope so you can't rely on just that to judge harvest time and pistals have nothing to do with it since they form and shrivel up up until harvest.


so bascally when the crystals are really big its done whats the color im looking for? so i wont see much bigger buds? out of the purple one its just goona be that basic size just a little more fuler an mature and the green one is gonna do the same its just gonna be one big top bud.. also is it good to take the leaves off or no just let them die an fall as they shal? what about the little bit of mold i think is forming on the purple one anything i can do?


Well-Known Member
i dont see how that plant can grow anymore since there isnt any leaves. love the color of the purp. that shits gonna get u high as hell.


the purple is due to cold temperatures lol i have some aurora just germanted an coming up i started them oct 1 ill post pics once they start getting nice thats the shit thats gonna get me high as hell lol