Is this gonna be a pronlem or not? PICS


Well-Known Member
OK here is the deal i have a lady that i chopped the top during veg so it would grow mutiple tops. everything was going well im now in the 6th week of flowering. about 2 weeks ago both tops snapped in half from the weigth of the buds. :wall::wall: . well i tied up the branches and they still seem fine today. but about a week ago i noticed to sites on the bottom of my girl below the V were the branches had snapped growing balls! but it hasnt spread just in two sites. could this have been caused by the stress? take a look.

Picture 005.jpgPicture 008.jpgPicture 009.jpgPicture 020.jpgPicture 021.jpg

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
maybe :) maybe could also be that the seeds you had, had hermie traits in them and the stress from the accidental cropping brought those traits out... not really sure though, just things to ponder :)