Is this just a simple nute lockout or more?


Hello everyone and let me start off by saying thanks a lot for taking the time to look over my plants and thanks even more if you are able to offer and advice! First a little about my problem plant. This is a strawberry blue feminized that will be at 4 weeks come this weekend. She stared showing signs of deficiency almost a week ago which I thought was okay because shes just in a 50/50 mix of happy frog and FFOF with about 20 percent added perlit meaning she should be okay for first round of nutes which I feed more than a week ago. (nothing fancy just general hydroponics flora nova grow at about 250ppm). Now I admit that the pH of the feeding was about 6.0. With the runoff being about the same in terms of pH. I know optimally you want that runoff at no less than 6.5 but is this really the root of what seems to be a nute lockout? (I feel like the new growth is definitely showing nitrogen deficiency now which leads me to think it really was the pH of the soil).
I managed to pick up some lime today and crushed up a gram to add to top of the soil in hopes of adding some calcium and restoring the pH to a higher level then it currently is at. I guess my question really is this more of a pH problem or lack of cal/mag and possible nitrogen?

Strawberry Blue feminized :
Area 51 RW led about 20" hight 18/6
Temps 71 to 80 F with air exchange
RH between 30 to 55.
One gallon pot with 50/50 FFOF and happy frog
Only Topped once/no other training
Filtered tap water at 130PPM around 6.2 pH
Only using general hydroponics flora for nutes

Thanks again for any help/advice and let me know if there is any other information I can provide
Also last picture just so ya'll can see is my afgani under a chines led light (i know don't bash me) thats about a week ahead and doing quite alright in my book.



Well-Known Member
Looks like minor calmag shortage. But it doesnt look that bad, and they probably do want some food. Sounds like your doing fine so far. Keep going in the direction your going and dont freak out yet.


Hey thanks Alienwidow for your reply. I agree with you that it definitely looks like calmag on the leafs. Also forgot to mention that I did feed her a little more a day or two ago just worried about overdoing it. But considering the problem hasn't stopped on lower leafs makes me think its lockout too.