is this male??? please help

I am about 6 weeks into my first grow. My plants are about 13 inches and are showing preflowers. Is this plant a male? It looks like it to me but I don't want to throw out a perfectly good plant without some other opinions.



Well-Known Member
I am about 6 weeks into my first grow. My plants are about 13 inches and are showing preflowers. Is this plant a male? It looks like it to me but I don't want to throw out a perfectly good plant without some other opinions.

Congratulations! it's a boy!!!

Wish I could have some pollen for experimenting...
Yes 100% yes that's a male those little ball sack looking this will open up and produce pollen. Get rid of it unless you're going to use to impregnate a female for seeds. Males do NOT produce buds just pollen

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Male cannabis plants are only good for making seeds. I have a male outside with three ladies I want to get pollinated so I can start making my own seeds saving money and learning even more about phenotypes and creating my own strain. I'm addicted to growing and in it for the long haul. Hope your second plant is female.
I have heard I can clip all of the pollen sacs except for a couple and then it would pollinate my female and make a few seeds but not so much as to ruin the batch. Is there any truth in this?

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Not sure about that but you can separate the male, collect the pollen, and then using a q tip, pollinate only one or two branches so the rest will be seedless buds.


Well-Known Member
Just be super careful IMO cause having a male around your ladies is pretty risky you need to do some serious homework cause if you let that male produce pollen and you have females you don't want pollinated your flirting with disaster. A lot of people I know who make seeds usually have a completely seperate garden from there girls just for seed plants Be careful if your guna let that thing pollinate at all. Good luck


Well-Known Member
You clip 10,000 pollen sacks and it's going to grow back 20,000. Yiu just have to chuck the fuckers man. I know it hurts I had to toss out a 6 foot hermie once but if you keep it you are not going to get smokable bud
Alright thanks. I don't need to toss it until flowering right? Also can you use stems to make brownies?? Lol looking for anything to get outta it


Well-Known Member
I would think that in the typical small and friendly indoor environment, even just a few pollen sacks could completely pollinate your females. But IDK for sure.


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks. I don't need to toss it until flowering right? Also can you use stems to make brownies?? Lol looking for anything to get outta it
You could smoke the growing tips and probably get a light effect. The big leaves and the stem aren't even worth bothering with. You could make edibles with the big leaves I suppose but probably wouldn't be worth it. Don't even try to eat the stem. It's too fibrous. You could just dry the leaves out in a microwave at medium and put a heaping tablespoon, after crushing, in a blender with milk and a small amount of oil and make some bhang. It's a refreshing drink with a light effect. Not really worth the bother of making brownies or whatever, unless you don't have a blender.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Alright thanks. I don't need to toss it until flowering right? Also can you use stems to make brownies?? Lol looking for anything to get outta it
I don't think males really produce any THC, do they? I'm pretty sure not.

Sorry dude, sacrifice him to please the matriarchs, or if you are adventurous, start breeding. Pollen is tough to control, it gets everywhere, sometimes from one building to another, unless you're super careful to change clothes and maybe shower in between buildings.

Your second plant may well be a female, too soon to tell, run your lights 12/12 until she shows sexy parts a bit, then go back to veg lighting schedule.
Well they are 13 inches. I am flowering soon. I just repotted them and am waiting for them to show growth before I switch so I know they like the new soil